GetShotUp wrote:If you really look at that picture in the OP, you notice that AE has more warpoints and we all know, the more WP you have, the more of a team player you're being. You're hacking objectives, supply depots and maybe installations or dropping nanos, uplinks. hell, fcking repping, injecting and squad commands. All of that **** gives you WP and when I see that list, I see that a lot of people in my corp who worked their ass off in that game. I constantly have to battle with them for WP and kills and TBH, its kinda hard to get up in the ranks with these WP/KILL hogging whores. Arirana put in work, he did good, but our team did great and for being someone in a corp called TeamPlayers, you should have analyzed that leaderboard a bit harder because K/D is not everything
Arguing this will be fruitless. We get that your jimmies were rustled taking a district and I just wanted to congratulate Arirana on being mvp. Without arirana you would not have gotten the W, short and simple. And we all know you wouldn't dare try to take a district without him cause as the record previously shows...we win most of the time. And that was with scrubs like me

I mean, sure he def wasn't the only reason you won. Tank and Smexy were beasts just waiting to happen and I respect them, we respected you guys when we destroyed you in HS, we respected you when you went to Who Gives a FLux and took your districts without incident, I actually thought Kujo was pretty cool on comms.
But w/e today is today. Better to send out a GG for the first TP district taken, we tok one from TCD Tox so we weren't worried.
We loved the meta when someone's alt started the lol thread.
But I was surprised no one took from AE wanted to take initiative and contest it.I've got no problem posting up when peeps show up and play well.
I talked to Arirana and he said he'll be switching to shotty soon. He'll be a beast regardless. But we'll see if its the difference maker. It is a testament that we lost what 4-5 battles yesterday and won like 25 and have like a 95-7 record. We're super pleased with the war results. We'll be attacking and taking more districts and this glitch will be forgotten I'm sure.
War has been good for my wallet.

Never thought I'd leave PC each night with a higher kdr (usually I barely maintain a 2-3 kdr and rarely better than 2 vs decent teams like AE) but all the pubbing in these matches has been good for us.