Posted - 2013.08.21 14:30:00 -
[1] - Quote
CCP Cmdr Wang wrote:steadyhand amarr wrote:I'm liking the new tone of the commander :-)
But in regards to the patch notes, sometimes a fresh pair of eyes can spot things people close to the project can't. Maths is maths afterall. Or the players can outright tell you how they are going to openly exploit a change.
We are the end customer and in the business word customers are a big part of the development process. The gaming world is no diffrent. Please work with us.
And stop using a live eniorment ti teat changes. It's bad practice full stop. Well, I agree but sometimes people forget that this is something really new, a MMO on a console that is working towards a full connection with another MMO on a different platform. So this is something akin to getting a man on the moon, and there were problems along the way there. Did people troll the NASA space program when things didn't go according to plan? Or did they get back on the horse and help provide solutions? We do listen to player feedback and some of them do make it into the game. It would be a lie to say that is not so. I know that it's taken longer than most of you on the forums would like, but it does take time to workout a solution when one is trodding down a path never traveled. A few of you on the forums have been with us all this time, so I am just asking you guys to keep on providing helpful feedback and a little less hate. Hope that's not too much to ask.
This is your problem right here CCP, everyone at CCP working on DUST514 needs to read this post from Wang, and if you find yourself stuck in this mentality you need to immediately banish it from your mind FOREVER. You guys have far too many ideas in your head at the same time, pulling you in so many different directions that you don't even know what areas of this very broken game need to be focused on.
How you can possibly think about "getting a man on the moon" when you still have yet to invent an airplane that can get off the ground?
What you should have done since day one, and what you must do now, is focus ALL of your attention on building an FPS that actually functions. You have to make sure your foundation is set, and set so solidly that you'll never need to change it or think about it again. You should not need to reinvent the way propeller planes fly when you are building your spaceship.
Even if it's just starting with a 1v1 fight and making sure every aspect of that is solid and then moving forward, that is the approach you must take. Once you lock down flawless mechanics for an individual's aiming, hit-detection, movement, weapon balance, and FUN (you still fail to include fun) then you can move forward.
For instance, why are you adding new weapons when the ones that currently exist are not balanced and do not function properly? What do you think will happen when you add more weapons onto an already horribly unbalanced system? You waste so much time introducing new weapons and then trying to balance them- but you're trying to balance them on a completely unbalanced foundation.
How can you expect to build towards to moon when the foundation is constantly changing? You have just spent the last few updates and many months trying to balance out the Mass Driver and Flaylocks, among others, but what is going to happen to that 'balance' when the underlying mechanics are completely overhauled?
At this point I would say that your only real path forward is to just shut it down, for a year, 6 months, or however much time it takes you to build a solid, stable, unchanging foundation of proper FPS mechanics. Then when you go to add all of these cool amazing ideas you have you will not be held back from reaching the moon because you forgot to install the fuel tanks. |

Posted - 2013.08.23 13:33:00 -
[2] - Quote
CCP Cmdr Wang wrote:What I was trying to say in the earlier post was that patch notes are not the ideal tool for spotting problems. In the current process, at the stage when patch notes are finalized, there's limited time to iterate before the changes are in-game. And the community can help by working together with positive posts. When it comes to giving helpful feedback, Mavado is a good example. He gives focused topics that contain details which support his arguments.
We make every attempt we can to listen and apply feedback where time and resources allow, but this is not always possible as much as we'd like. While we are taking steps with the CPM to better improve our feedback process, the rest of the playerbase can help us out in the meantime. The amount of hostility on the forums make them a very unwelcoming place for those who'd strive to post positive feedback, and the amount of hostile threads can easily clog up the forums and make our job much more difficult when scouring for the feedback that the dev teams need to see. So, to this end... while we try to improve our end of the process, we're asking for a little help from the players on their end as well
Ultimately, the goal is to setup a method that will allow enough time to tell the CPM what is planned for the next release and get their feedback (which will include voices from the community) in time to allow a response from the devs, and changes that are possible based on your feedback. So what we want to have is "better" and more "effective" communication that can then be centralized and shared with everyone.
When it comes to in-game events, we are also making a list of features that will support the type of events that many of you have been asking for. It'll take development time to make them but once it's done we will be able to add more variety in terms of conditions for the event and flexibility of rewards to make events more enjoyable.
Now I think most of us have lost sight of what this thread was about in the first place, and that is when will 1.4 patch notes come out? The answer is tomorrow around DT.
Look put very simply this is the main point I'm trying to get across:
Right now there is no 'core' because in 5 updates from now the way aiming works and the way hit-detection works will be completely different than it is now. Therefore, the weapon balances released here in 1.4 will become unbalanced again when aiming, hit-detection, and movement overhauled.
I'm just trying to point out to you the logical flaw in your approach to fixing this game. The core has to be set first before any meaningful additions can be added. The best, and most efficient way to fix the core- and avoid all of the headaches caused by negative forum posts- is to shut the game down and create a core (aiming, hit-detection, and movement) that never needs to be tinkered with again.
The team at Final Fantasy XIV Online took this approach when their core was not set. They shut down their game, set their core and now with their re-release they are getting rave reviews from the very people who were so angry when the game was first released. |