Stop crying already. All you do is cry. If you suck, and 99% of the complainers do ... go to another game. I don't play everyday and spec into these weapons for you little girls to come here crying about period cramps. GET OFF IT ALREADY! Every week you pick another weapon " to nerf" and these lames at CCp just keep sucking it up .. and killing the game by nerfing it. OP is the player behind the gun .. not the gun .. yall just suck terribly.
From the flaylock to the scrambler rifle, to the swarm launcher to the contact grenades... now the forge? I understand you started late... and you are a garbage player... so everything that kills you is OP ... too bad. Why CCP keeps penalizing the players who have played the longest .. and have the most sp .. by nerfing guns they have been using .. because all the noobs that try to play get killed quick. IT MAKES NO SENSE> I have 20 mill sp .. and been playing since b4 open beta ... I have proto forge lvl 3 .. I've been using a forge gun.. as I am a heavy... n there are only 2 heavy guns... im a dedicated player ... I should not be constantly penalized because new guys can last on the field.
Fact of the matter is... at one point ... as a noob / new player - every gun was op .. if we were going against it... so time goes on.. u get more armor n shield n u get quicker n better & stronger weapons.. n then u will 1 day be "op" too ..or at least equal to those who been playing. so relax your complaining woman-like feedback in these forums ... and go kill something.
You afk trash bags complain more than anyone else. You want to do $hit match after match .. n then when u finally get caught n killed... u come to the forums to shed tears.. GET A GIRL FRIEND ... and u old guys .. GET A WIFE ... how long has it been since u bust a nut? All that crying must be a reflection of how backed up yall are. Get a chic n let 1 off... yall need it..

CCP leave these forge along... if its able to take out a tank .. then a ground merc .. should be easily taken out as it is now ... if u have no aim .. the forge sux... close range .. the forge sux.. mid range if your aim isn't golden.. the forge sux...
the ones crying nerf ... check there sp & wp .. im sure they are very low... they need more time playing n less time crying.. n the weapons in dust wont seem op.... because they aren't.
1.4 is a heavies dream update... I feel sorry for you women crying op now.... after 1.4 don't let me see you on the battle field ..