SYKO DIX wrote:After looking at these future items and abilities with skills, dont be fooled look closely as most skills like the mobile cru doesnt have any thing at all I them with no locked items. Mobile cru 1 and mobile cru 5 for example have no difference to them vs not even specialised I them at all. I still use my cru in a vehicle works great. And yet I havent evenput a single skill point I them theres a second red flag if u will. WHERE DO THESE FUX GET OFF SAYING ITS A GAMES WHEN THERES NO FREAKING TROPHIES TO ATTAIN. LISTEN FELLAZ AND HOES DO ACT ON IT BECAUSE FROM A PRIVATISED CONTRACT PERSON LIKE ME THEY LITERALLY HAVE PINNED U IN THE CORNER WITH A MESH BLINDFOLD AND TELLING U UR BLIND WHEN U STILL SEE IT. I LOVE THIS GAME AS BROKEN AS IT GETS AND AS RIDICULOUS THE GAMEPLAY IS. BUT DONT LET A MANIPULITIVE HUMAN TELL U THIS IS THAT WHEN THIS ISNT IT . FOR REAL ITS NOT THE ONLY MMO OUTHERE. ONCE THE ZIPPER GUYS SIT DOWN AND SEE THIS JOKE of a mmfps they will laugh yet humbly fix it. Ccp I applaud ur accomplishments on cpu but trust in it when I say you dont know **** about how anything .

P.S. YOU MIGHT NEED A REAL FUTURISTIC ARSENAL , COPYING AND PASTE DOESNT LOOK GOOD ON A CONSOLE AT ALL so stop doing that with the fits and gears.change ur **** or get a denial of licenses.
Allow me to translate this to English...
After perusing the future equipment and skill options, I was nonplussed. There is no difference, for example, between Mobile CRU 1 and 5. To take it a point further, I use a CRU in my vehicle without having purchased a single rank of the skill. This is a red flag.
Where do these gentlemen muster the nerve to call this a game when it lacks trophy support? Harken unto me, ladies and gentlemen, as an entrepreneur, I must say they have pulled the wool over your eyes, verily. I harbor a great deal of affection for this diversion, despite what I see as its apparent flaws. However, don't let a scallywag persuade you of untruths; it is not the only massively multiplayer online [unspecified] available. [gibberish]
CCP, I applaud your accomplishments on the wunderbahboxes, but I feel you aren't fully equipped to handle [gibberish].
Post Script: You should consider acquiring a genuinely futuristic arsenal. Purloining such items from elsewhere is somewhat remiss.