Proposal Revision 1.0:1. Upon the 1.5 Update release, 1 Mass Respec (Be it Optional or Serverwide) should be provided. Only Lifetime SP and Skill Book ISK would be refunded. Patch Notes & ingame News Ticker/Info Tab upon login should note to players that specialization in each Type (IE: Light/Medium/Heavy Dropsuit & LAV/HAV/Dropship) are finalized, and those who did not yet receive a Racial Variant will receive a Partial SP Refund when the content becomes available.
Considering this is to be a major Vehicle & other content Update (Hopefully Vehicle Racial Variants & Pilot Dropsuit included), it would clear the slate for the following functions.
Side Note: SP Sinkholes should be locked. If Level 4 & 5 still have no Unlock/Bonus associated with them by now.....then you should not be able to allocate SP past the Level where Unlocks are attained. If not possible in 1.5 then hopefully by 1.6.
2. Hopefully by this point we may have revised Battle Academy. Upon exiting Battle Academy a player should be allotted 1 SP Respec within 30 Days. An onscreen notification/reminder would pop-up, informing the player of time remaining before the Respec expiration date, making sure to note it as a 1 time only availability. This should give the player ample time to research forums, form bonds, ask questions of Adepts & Vets, gather data, and maybe even join a Corporation.
This would disable the "Punishment Factor" for the new player without diminishing the value of the traditional MMO experience.
3. Partial SP Refund as each Racial Variant is released. At this point it would only apply to those who specialized in the specific Type being provided Racial Variants at the time. This would obviously have no effect on the Medium Frame Dropsuits as they already have their Racial Variants available. Should the Pilot Suit receive no Racial Variants as of 1.5 they would receive their Partial SP Refund along with the Light Dropsuit releases. The same applies to Heavy & Commando Dropsuits respectively.
4. Upon the alteration of the Skill Tree (IE: SP Sinkholes remedied, SP Value changes, Unlock alterations & Bonus applications) there should be a Partial SP Refund to the affected Skills.
I believe this set of proposals to be the most median/acceptable compromize between the feedbacks that were provided. Within the next day or 2, should this format be generally acceptable to the majority of subsequent posters, I will edit the opening post to reflect these alterations so as to generate feedback on the new proposal format.
This is a combined effort and I thank those of you who provided valuable feedback for your time & consideration. Your feedback was well received