I recently found out that some people
still don't get tiercide....... That's just sad.
tiercide- The act of murdering tiers.
You get rid of any tiers in the game, or at least anything that overpowers something else over a wide scale, then make a verity of variants for those things.
ex. the T I Gallente BC's in EVE are called the Brutix, Myrmidon, and Talos. If my memory serves me right, when EVE was under the tier system, the Talos was the "PROTO" Gallente BC, Myrmidon was the "ADV.", and and the Brutix was the "STD" . And, although slightly different, just like now with dust, the Talos was the best to use. When tiercide happened, they were rebalanced, and (although imo the Myrmidon is now the best, cuz' drones), they all have their roles, one being the CQ DPS monster, one being the medium range support, and one being the Long range sniper.
Now that (hopefully) the fools that don't get it do, I will say how I think it should go down: All PROTO weapons, turrets, equipment, and frames should be deleted. After, some things should happen:
For weapons and turrets: Only have one kind of gun, and call it something neat, for example, the GEK-38 Plasma Rifle. From there, we will do a mass change to all of the weapons and turrets, making them T III equipment. What that means in simple terms is add weapon customization. Do the same for vehicle turrets. Now, add AUR variants that have prefits of the weapon modules on them, and make them to where they're similar/same as the variants as we have today. Make them cost no SP.
For suit Frames and vehicle hulls: Get rid of the ADV. and PROTO ones, and add variants that have slight changes to them, like speed, scanning, etc. then give them bonuses for their specific role, like a slight reduction to equipment, or a ROF bonus/level.
For T II frames and hulls: Same as the T I ones, but give them more of a reason to exist other than being just flat out better; a defined role. Like taking away sidearms from most Logis isn't a good idea, but making their weapons weaker, but making the equipment more efficient. ex. There should be a Logi-like T I frame. It wouldn't out-preform it in Logi roles, but if it got in a fight with a Logi frame, it would win, unless the Logi is a good fighter, or gets lucky.
For modules and equipment: Modules should stay as is (tier wise), as I see nothing wrong with them being like that. Equipment should get rid of the STD and PROTO versions, and keep the ADV versions.
Now balance for CPU/PG.
Peace, Aizen