CaveCav wrote:Ok so here I am again poking you guys, what do you think about active sinks?
In particular for a railgun fit operating between 40 and 150 meters?
I like having the capability to push with the team and I cannot always recall my tank and switch to a blaster because of blueberries

so I always feel like I'm not putting down enough shots due to heat buildup, should I use an heat sink?
Active or passive?
If I have an active heatsink and I overheat can I activate it to cooldown faster, or does it only work reducing heat buildup between shots?
And also: could someone breakdown the various turret tipes (blaster, rail, missile)?
What is the difference between standard, scattered, compressed, etc... for hybrid turrets?
What is the difference between standard, accelerated and fragmentation for missile turrets?
Is there a single Rail/Blaster/Missile that is better and I should always use?
Finally: Enforcer tanks?
I know it's a lot of questions but I really want to learn

Good questions!
For a rail gun, yes you will want a heatsink. In my earlier days of tanking I used passives, but now I always use an active on my rail tank.
What it does is reduce the heat cost of each shot by the % amount described in the description. So for an active heatsink you will want to activate it before firing.
The way your hybrids work:
Standard is just that, your standard nothing special turret
Scattered I think has better tracking speed, turret turns faster ( never ever use myself)
Compressed is your high damage output version, but typically produce a lot of extra heat, in the case of railguns they also have a charge time of 2.2 vs the standards 1.8. Check the descriptions, namely the attributes.
For missiles:
Frag missiles have extra explosive radius, 4.0 compared to standard and accelerated of 3.0 good for killing infantry but less damage overall.
Standard are just that, standard missiles
Accelerated are higher accuracy at range missiles, less spread. Damage is the same as standard.
Cycled missiles shot missiles in 3 shot bursts of 3 missiles or something like that( not my favorate) and the explsoive radius is 1.8, not good for shoot infantry.
And enforcers, are crap in my opinion, namely because of the price tag associated with them. 1.2 mil for one, and your standard tank is 200k. And the bonus really isn't great, but the worst part it takes like 2 mill sp just to get the enforcer skill to level 5.
The shield version and armor version both have an extra low slot(shields) and a high slot (armor). On the shield version you could probably equip an extra pg booster and make a better fit overall, but the armor versions slot is pretty much useless. I myself haven't bother with them, yet. Working on raising the skill to do some testing, but way I understand it, 'AV comes out of the woodwork to kill an enforcers. I know in game I always focus hard and heavy on them. Killing one gives you a bit of extra income!