Statistics for thread Legion Fanboi's |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 76 |
First post | 2014-05-04 14:54:00 |
Last post | 2014-05-06 01:17:00 |
Duration | 2 days (active period), 3926 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 38,0 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 57 785 |
Longest post | Soldner VonKuechle (3282 characters, posted 2014-05-05 22:57:00) |
Average post length | 760,3 chars/post |
Unique authors | 35 |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Evicer | 18 (23,7%) |
Soldner VonKuechle | 9 (11,8%) |
ChowMaiDong | 7 (9,2%) |
Michael Arck | 4 (5,3%) |
Xaerael Walkeri | 4 (5,3%) |
DUST Fiend | 3 (3,9%) |
steadyhand amarr | 3 (3,9%) |
ZDub 303 | 1 (1,3%) |
z z top | 1 (1,3%) |
Vin Vicious | 1 (1,3%) |
Vance Alken | 1 (1,3%) |
The Robot Devil | 1 (1,3%) |
TechMechMeds | 1 (1,3%) |
Tech Ohm Eaven | 1 (1,3%) |
Son Down | 1 (1,3%) |
Cai Mo | 1 (1,3%) |
C3E3 | 1 (1,3%) |
Ansiiis The Trustworthy | 1 (1,3%) |
Shion Typhon | 1 (1,3%) |
Scheneighnay McBob | 1 (1,3%) |
Pvt Numnutz | 1 (1,3%) |
Phoenix 85 | 1 (1,3%) |
Operative 1125 Lokaas | 1 (1,3%) |
Onesimus Tarsus | 1 (1,3%) |
Namirial Kensai | 1 (1,3%) |
LUNATIC Pandora x | 1 (1,3%) |
low genius | 1 (1,3%) |
Kovinis Sparagas | 1 (1,3%) |
Kendo Bushido | 1 (1,3%) |
KdsntDmtrR | 1 (1,3%) |
J'Jor Da'Wg | 1 (1,3%) |
Hecarim Van Hohen | 1 (1,3%) |
Hakyou Brutor | 1 (1,3%) |
Gaelon Thrace | 1 (1,3%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 29 (38,2%) |
Caldari State | 11 (14,5%) |
Gallente Federation | 9 (11,8%) |
General Tso's Alliance | 9 (11,8%) |
Dirt Nap Squad. | 6 (7,9%) |
Lokun Listamenn | 5 (6,6%) |
D.E.F.I.A.N.C.E | 2 (2,6%) |
Amarr Empire | 1 (1,3%) |
Brave Collective | 1 (1,3%) |
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive | 1 (1,3%) |
Minmatar Republic | 1 (1,3%) |
Ushra'Khan | 1 (1,3%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
THE HECATONCHIRES | 18 (23,7%) |
SAM-MIK | 9 (11,8%) |
Ostrakon Agency | 7 (9,2%) |
Intara Direct Action | 5 (6,6%) |
Onuoto Uakan Huogaatsu | 4 (5,3%) |
TeamPlayers | 4 (5,3%) |
The Wings of Legion | 3 (3,9%) |
Kirkinen Risk Control | 2 (2,6%) |
L.O.T.I.S. | 2 (2,6%) |
Villore Sec Ops | 2 (2,6%) |
- | 1 (1,3%) |
703rd | 1 (1,3%) |
Brave Bunnies | 1 (1,3%) |
Brutor Vanguard | 1 (1,3%) |
Bullet Cluster | 1 (1,3%) |
Capital Acquisitions LLC | 1 (1,3%) |
Commando Perkone | 1 (1,3%) |
Fraternity of St. Venefice | 1 (1,3%) |
G0DS AM0NG MEN | 1 (1,3%) |
KLEENEX INC. | 1 (1,3%) |
Osmon Surveillance | 1 (1,3%) |
R 0 N 1 N | 1 (1,3%) |
SamsClub | 1 (1,3%) |
Seituoda Taskforce Command | 1 (1,3%) |
T.R.I.A.D | 1 (1,3%) |
The Sound Of Freedom | 1 (1,3%) |
True Companion Planetary Requisitions | 1 (1,3%) |
What Is Dead May Never Die | 1 (1,3%) |
Zumari Force Projection | 1 (1,3%) |
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