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1. ccp the game is no fun when everyone uses tac ar - in General Discussions [original thread]
realy this long with so many ppl tired of the ar and no idea what to do with them haha nerf the rate of fire or more kick something but if you let the TAC ar continue the way it is i will wish all dust programmers get fisted in the butt with a fis...
- by karonzon - at 2013.05.29 06:03:00
2. Cannonball 2000+514 - in General Discussions [original thread]
and instead of one type of corp battle they could use this type for corp battles to
- by karonzon - at 2013.05.27 06:15:00
3. AFTER Optional Respec - in General Discussions [original thread]
Chunky Munkey wrote: It's a one-time thing offered on account of there being various issues with the current skill system. Some were minor, some were not so minor. Personally I'm in favour of a limited, Aurum based, respec system. CCP's silence...
- by karonzon - at 2013.05.17 05:22:00
4. AFTER Optional Respec - in General Discussions [original thread]
remember to go through all the skills map out what you need and want for your set up then you must remember i think this is a one time deal. ty
- by karonzon - at 2013.05.17 05:20:00
5. Bad information regarding optional respec - in General Discussions [original thread]
i think what im gona do is record a match so everyone can see how over powerd a duv tac AR is all i see is three bullets and i die and it says like 829yes i know it is a protobut realy???? 829 with 3 bullets come on. damage all i have to say is re...
- by karonzon - at 2013.05.14 06:09:00
6. SP Reset Link. - in General Discussions [original thread]
well for one i want to respec for the fact i cant run a heavy right AR out range me and over power me so i am just gonna logi it cause i hate the duval tac AR and i find no logic in a AR being more powerfull then a HMG hense with the tech of the g...
- by karonzon - at 2013.05.13 21:33:00
7. CCP, Nerf the AR - in General Discussions [original thread]
they raped the HMG into a bb gun and they keep boosting the AR i say this i bet all the creators are AR users so they keep boosting the AR so they can do better because if they used a HMG they would see how useless it is now even the officers HMG ...
- by karonzon - at 2013.05.08 15:54:00
8. I got called an "Armor hacker"...I've been reported :( - in General Discussions [original thread]
i am sry for saying he is a hacker i have no proof but what happend did happen weather it be the game / glitch / or hack
- by karonzon - at 2013.02.03 00:55:00
9. I got called an "Armor hacker"...I've been reported :( - in General Discussions [original thread]
they can troll all they want the truth is the truth weather it be glitch or hack it is what it is a fact is a fact troll all you want so plz troll away like i care if my observations about what happend on my end of the game then fine so be it i to...
- by karonzon - at 2013.02.03 00:52:00
10. I got called an "Armor hacker"...I've been reported :( - in General Discussions [original thread]
lol you win you can do what ever you want but if your caught breaking the rules then to bad for you have a nice life
- by karonzon - at 2013.02.02 23:55:00
11. I got called an "Armor hacker"...I've been reported :( - in General Discussions [original thread]
don't forget to tell them after your shilds were down i kept firing and i did no damage to your armor so say what you will if i get the red X for hitting you and nothing happens to your armor after your shields are gone and im still getting red Xs...
- by karonzon - at 2013.02.02 23:28:00
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