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301. Non-Tank gamemode - in General Discussions [original thread]
I know people have different opinions on tanks, but why not have a gamemode that does not allow tanks in it. So basically tankers can use tanks in ambush and just have an infantry only ambush, also while we are at it, why not just have a tank vs t...
- by JETSTORM1090 - at 2013.03.01 00:16:00
302. Split Leaderboards - in General Discussions [original thread]
Lance 2ballzStrong wrote: people look at these? Oh wait, it's a FPS so this is where the ePeen measuring takes place. Carry on. Why not see how you are doing in the game? Some people may look at it for bragging rights and their ePeen, bu...
- by JETSTORM1090 - at 2013.03.01 00:12:00
303. Split Leaderboards - in General Discussions [original thread]
Israckcatarac wrote: I just want one that show's how much ISK I have costed people. That would be awesome, I like the way you think my friend lol
- by JETSTORM1090 - at 2013.03.01 00:09:00
304. Split Leaderboards - in General Discussions [original thread]
gbghg wrote: yay lets give the tankers even bigger ego's... but seriously the leader boards need to be fixed Lol well I don't like my stats (im only infantry) being compared to a tankers stats, not that stats really matter that much. Im curi...
- by JETSTORM1090 - at 2013.03.01 00:07:00
305. Split Leaderboards - in General Discussions [original thread]
It would be nice to see leaderboards split into categories, for example, vehichle leaderboards, which would show stats like k/d, wp and such for only vehichles and infantry leaderboards, which would show k/d, wp and so on for only on foot action. ...
- by JETSTORM1090 - at 2013.02.28 23:57:00
306. NO MORE TANKS IN AMBUSH! - in General Discussions [original thread]
I cant believe people thinking that tanks in tdm AKA ambush is a good idea, You would have to be an idiot to think its ok. In normal ambush the maps are way too small so when you do try to take a tank out you are constantly getting killed by other...
- by JETSTORM1090 - at 2013.02.27 15:12:00
307. hey i just revived you - in General Discussions [original thread]
Lol I never get revived unless im runnin in a squad...I died earlier today and I saw on the minimap about 8 blue dots runnin around my dead body, and I kept thinking to myself ONE OF THESE GUYS HAS AN INJECTOR RIGHT....sadly they didn't...
- by JETSTORM1090 - at 2013.02.18 06:59:00
308. Healing and Reviving - in General Discussions [original thread]
Delirium Inferno wrote: Allowing to heal yourself quickly (as in, not the maximum 5 HP/second with a prototype armor repairer) would only encourage more lone wolfing and less teamwork. Instantly going to your feet and shooting upon revival is ...
- by JETSTORM1090 - at 2013.02.18 05:31:00
309. Healing and Reviving - in General Discussions [original thread]
Im not sure how many people here liked MAG's healing and revive system, but I wish Dust made it somewhat similar to it, I enjoyed healing myself if I got hurt instead of relying on teammates hoping they had the gear. I also liked how you would be ...
- by JETSTORM1090 - at 2013.02.18 05:14:00
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