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641. TANKS ARE OP, WAH WAH WAH! - in General Discussions [original thread]
Jarod Garamonde Jr wrote: And, now tankers in DUST act just like tankers in the real Army.... ugh. PS: I kill tanks, all the time. Even *after* this so-called speed buff. and I'm happy to hear that(not so much the army thing, I would think ...
- by Heathen Bastard - at 2013.12.11 04:34:00
642. Fill me in about the new tanks! - in General Discussions [original thread]
Tanks with hardeners up: Drink up those av tears unless there are 3 or more. Tanks without hardeners up: You will be missing half your HP after the first hit. HARDENERS UP! RED ALERT!
- by Heathen Bastard - at 2013.12.11 04:28:00
643. TANKS ARE OP, WAH WAH WAH! - in General Discussions [original thread]
yeah, tanks should require the entire team to support them, while AV, if it gets a single shot off ever should completely wipe the map of vehicles, and explode the MCC as well.
- by Heathen Bastard - at 2013.12.11 04:26:00
644. TANKS ARE OP, WAH WAH WAH! - in General Discussions [original thread]
Delta 749 wrote: Already had a vehicle with tons of health, resistance to most weapons, practical resistance to all but 3, better firepower, and a better skill tree Gets buffed Is still whining about AV players doing anything Gotta love ta...
- by Heathen Bastard - at 2013.12.11 04:12:00
645. TANKS ARE OP, WAH WAH WAH! - in General Discussions [original thread]
my 487k gunloggi broke a bulkhead made of rifle users and heavy suits, then laughed off a forge gun for 30 seconds. Seriously, if you want to even dent a tank with its hardeners up you NEED coordination. a single AV, especially one that's ducking ...
- by Heathen Bastard - at 2013.12.11 04:09:00
646. TANKS ARE OP, WAH WAH WAH! - in General Discussions [original thread]
Oh please. now we'll actually survive one on one if we're proto modded out. Yes, I know it's a change to not have total domination due to massively OP weaponry VS neutered tanks, but you'll manage. find a friend or two, you'll have tanks running i...
- by Heathen Bastard - at 2013.12.11 04:00:00
647. How to take out madrugar in 3 seconds... - in General Discussions [original thread]
turn on you damage mod, then alpha them down before they realize what's killing them.
- by Heathen Bastard - at 2013.12.11 03:31:00
648. So was just thrown out of fw.. - in General Discussions [original thread]
Eldest Dragon wrote: I only killed 1 guy, and I know i did not do 5000 dmg, wtf. I think something is up here. You get one "punished" kill.
- by Heathen Bastard - at 2013.12.11 03:14:00
649. two things I love about the new patch. - in General Discussions [original thread]
1. large missiles are fun now. 2. The assault combat rifle. They have one thing in common. it's not about superior accuracy(though both have that) its more about sheer volume of fire that you can hurl at the enemy. Though, why do the large miss...
- by Heathen Bastard - at 2013.12.11 02:48:00
650. Video of combat and rail rifle. - in General Discussions [original thread]
Shaira Ilv Enna-Ress wrote: CR burst is like a "pewpewpew" with no break between the 3 shots (instead of the "pew-pew-pew" of an average burst-firing gun). Not sure about the RR... looks interesting took me a few volleys to figure out that t...
- by Heathen Bastard - at 2013.12.10 17:41:00
651. Gallente Jokes... and a few others - in General Discussions [original thread]
but what if god is an int type? or possibly a double? or god might just be a highly sophisticated if-then statement. or possibly a massively nested while loop.
- by Heathen Bastard - at 2013.12.10 06:43:00
652. No love for railtanks? - in General Discussions [original thread]
DUST Fiend wrote: Heathen Bastard wrote: DUST Fiend wrote: Heathen Bastard wrote: Someone's never used a railgun before. they have a minor arc, and, might I add an EXTREMELY unrealistic travel time. at the distances in game, there woul...
- by Heathen Bastard - at 2013.12.10 05:54:00
653. No love for railtanks? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Vulpes Dolosus wrote: Heathen Bastard wrote: to force us into places we're not meant to fight Like the actual battle field, egad the monsters... got it, so we should blind all AR users to 15 meters, shotgunners only get 1, knives are j...
- by Heathen Bastard - at 2013.12.10 05:47:00
654. No love for railtanks? - in General Discussions [original thread]
DUST Fiend wrote: Heathen Bastard wrote: Someone's never used a railgun before. they have a minor arc, and, might I add an EXTREMELY unrealistic travel time. at the distances in game, there would be virtually zero travel time due to the mass...
- by Heathen Bastard - at 2013.12.10 05:35:00
655. No love for railtanks? - in General Discussions [original thread]
DUST Fiend wrote: Operative 1171 Aajli wrote: DUST Fiend wrote: It's just railguns in general. Being able to sit in the redline with a brick tank, taking pop shots at my dropship while I try to be useful, is entirely infuriating, especia...
- by Heathen Bastard - at 2013.12.10 05:09:00
656. No love for railtanks? - in General Discussions [original thread]
DUST Fiend wrote: Heathen Bastard wrote: Vulpes Dolosus wrote: Because you can't be killed or even threatened really behind the redline yet possess arguably the best fire power in the game. oh no, you can't be assed to hide from the bl...
- by Heathen Bastard - at 2013.12.10 04:57:00
657. No love for railtanks? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Vulpes Dolosus wrote: Because you can't be killed or even threatened really behind the redline yet possess arguably the best fire power in the game. oh no, you can't be assed to hide from the blind death cannon.
- by Heathen Bastard - at 2013.12.10 04:50:00
658. No love for railtanks? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Why do people hate us so? we kill the enemy turrets so they can't kill 12 of you, we kill the enemy CRU so they can't spawn in more reinforcements, we even exterminate the enemy whenever we can see them. What more do you want?
- by Heathen Bastard - at 2013.12.10 04:35:00
659. LOL TANK NERF - in General Discussions [original thread]
We can now burst down anything and run away before you can hurt us. it's annoying to have to reload, but hey, I can just hang back in the redline and recall instead of heading to a suicide depot. takes more time, but your team will still be huntin...
- by Heathen Bastard - at 2013.11.30 06:08:00
660. So if this game ever ports over to the PS4. - in General Discussions [original thread]
your stuff is stored on their servers, so yes.
- by Heathen Bastard - at 2013.11.29 05:46:00
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