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261. Any body has a picture of a quafe suit... - in General Discussions [original thread]
I only have the Caldari Heavy Quafe Suit pic unfortunately
- by DUST Fiend - at 2017.03.08 02:28:00
262. TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles - in General Discussions [original thread]
TeenageMutantMinjaTurtles makes this DUST related.
- by DUST Fiend - at 2017.03.07 12:16:00
263. One Regret I have.... - in General Discussions [original thread]
I regret the loss of Logistics vehicles, both then and in the potential pilot-less future of NOVA Gone are my dreams of slowly spider tanking 'cross the land, searching far and wide. I regret not getting an SSD for my PS3 so maybe I wouldn't sl...
- by DUST Fiend - at 2017.03.07 12:09:00
264. Just ONE Request for NOVA - in General Discussions [original thread]
Pokey Dravon wrote: DUST Fiend wrote: The Yi-Fei Cannon Please, let me funnel my tears of rage into a glorious frozen cannonball of destruction. That is all Well it was the tear gun or a full set of vehicles. Dust Fiend has spoken CC...
- by DUST Fiend - at 2017.03.07 12:05:00
265. Just ONE Request for NOVA - in General Discussions [original thread]
One Eyed King wrote: You were the commenter who wanted to use other bodily fluids too aren't you. I have slightly worse memory than whichever object is immediately to your left, so I'm not sure. It's possible? I do say some crazy **** from ti...
- by DUST Fiend - at 2017.03.07 01:15:00
266. Just ONE Request for NOVA - in General Discussions [original thread]
The Yi-Fei Cannon Please, let me funnel my tears of rage into a glorious frozen cannonball of destruction. That is all
- by DUST Fiend - at 2017.03.06 23:50:00
267. A Dust 514 Web series from actual events from closed beta to endgame... - in General Discussions [original thread]
If you end up needing any voice acting let me know, [email protected] . I'm not great but I'd love to help. My youtube has a bunch of gameplay but it's mostly dropship and entirely pubs, so nothing of note.
- by DUST Fiend - at 2017.03.05 21:59:00
268. The Gods Have Spoken! ( CCP Hilmar CEO refreshes our faith ) - in General Discussions [original thread]
Viktor Hadah Jr wrote: DUST Fiend wrote: I feel like Hilmar never actually played DUST, and if he did, he got protostomped really bad and rage quit. I've never seen a dev put so much distance between themselves and one of their IPs. It's alm...
- by DUST Fiend - at 2017.03.05 21:54:00
269. The Gods Have Spoken! ( CCP Hilmar CEO refreshes our faith ) - in General Discussions [original thread]
Heimdallr69 wrote: DUST Fiend wrote: I feel like Hilmar never actually played DUST, and if he did, he got protostomped really bad and rage quit. I've never seen a dev put so much distance between themselves and one of their IPs. It's almost ...
- by DUST Fiend - at 2017.03.05 21:53:00
270. Why Are You Still Here? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Alena Asakura wrote: Pokey Dravon wrote: Alena Asakura wrote: I turn up here every day without fail to see if there's any progress at all on NOVA. I never actually believe there will be and I hold a suspicion that we are just being strung...
- by DUST Fiend - at 2017.03.05 21:51:00
271. Why Are You Still Here? - in General Discussions [original thread]
I HAVE A MENTAL DISORDER CALLED dust Doesn't Understand Simple Things
- by DUST Fiend - at 2017.03.01 03:31:00
272. I just accidentally the single most decision - in General Discussions [original thread]
Major 0nslaught wrote: DUST Fiend wrote: Leave the monkeys alone in their cage and they WILL fling their **** around. I have been flinging **** by my lonesome until that fateful day. Now im flinging **** by my lonesome *stoically walks...
- by DUST Fiend - at 2017.03.01 03:15:00
273. The Gods Have Spoken! ( CCP Hilmar CEO refreshes our faith ) - in General Discussions [original thread]
I feel like Hilmar never actually played DUST, and if he did, he got protostomped really bad and rage quit. I've never seen a dev put so much distance between themselves and one of their IPs. It's almost comical at this point, if it weren't for ho...
- by DUST Fiend - at 2017.03.01 02:33:00
274. I just accidentally the single most decision - in General Discussions [original thread]
Leave the monkeys alone in their cage and they WILL fling their **** around.
- by DUST Fiend - at 2017.03.01 02:31:00
275. What if CCP keeps Project Nova as a surprise for EVE FANFEST 2017 - in General Discussions [original thread]
Pokey Dravon wrote: be optimistic about the project as a whole No
- by DUST Fiend - at 2017.02.27 23:06:00
276. Project Nova: 300 Days of Mostly Silence - in General Discussions [original thread]
And that after almost 2 years of silence on Legion and a total development freeze on DUST other than stat shuffles (for the most part)
- by DUST Fiend - at 2017.02.09 17:12:00
277. If trump was going to remaster Dust: 514.... - in General Discussions [original thread]
BUILD THAT REDLINE Oh wait, I should probably update that s+¦t½ït¦ót¦+
- by DUST Fiend - at 2017.02.04 15:24:00
278. Dust/Project Nova OOPSY - in General Discussions [original thread]
Alena Asakura wrote: until they actually produce something, ANYTHING, it's all just vapourwear to me. *transfers all likes to Alena* Though to be fair, taken at face value, they have technically produced the demo. That mostly just induced ra...
- by DUST Fiend - at 2017.01.22 02:19:00
279. It's funny how you can actually report your own posts... - in General Discussions [original thread]
Moorian Flav wrote: For those that missed it, you can also Like your own posts by your own alts within the same account. I am sure that is how some have 10,000+ likes. So for those that always thought lots of Likes meant something on th...
- by DUST Fiend - at 2017.01.18 17:00:00
280. Who spent the most $$$? - in General Discussions [original thread]
I think I spent a little over $100 of my own, then about $50 from random people on youtube / forums. Despite my overwhelming bitterness, I don't regret it either. I also bought the EVE Second Decade thing so I could sell the codes for ISK, plus th...
- by DUST Fiend - at 2017.01.18 12:54:00
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