ThePlayerkyle13 wrote:Now since i like politics, if you want my opinion if their will be another Civil War in America, then the answer is 70% Yes & 30% No.
Considering the fact that the country is self is slowly stripping Liberty from Americans, the Government itself is spying on it's on people which they have no legal authority to do so without a warrant, the country is turning into a police state country with policemen with armored vehicles & military gear, these have been spotted across the country.
I mean isn't America Founded on Liberty? George Washington would hate to see what America has become, his vision for a country that he help set free from the British Commonwealth, just seems to be a total waste.
The Government is in 14 - 16 Trillion Dollar Debt, the dollar itself is being reject by many countries, the government is mostly funding the Military Complex, Espionage and Media Propaganda rather than funding the infrastructure of it's own country.
The Government has been involved in many conflicts in other countries, actually more than many, more like loads of conflicts with other countries, that they need to keep their business out of, and focus on their own people.
I could say straight away that the American Government is full of tyranny...
You Are Dumb.
Government is behaving in exactly the same way that government has behaved since like ever, and you guys basically said 'no we don't really want freedom anyway cos TERRISM'.America is founded on a whole lot of things, but I kinda doubt G. W. would be doing anything differently were he still president.
Dollar isn't being rejected. Gonna have to see sources for that one. USA is still USA.'Course America is sticking its nose into other people's armed conflicts - it was forged in fire and blood, after all, and they seem to like continuing the same way.
But I can see literally no reason why a state would secede, let alone declare war. There is no possibility of civil war at all. Rebellion, perhaps, maybe twenty or thirty years down the track (and you can blame gun rights for that one) but even then I doubt it.
FULL DISCLOSURE: I'm Australian and a USA dual national. I have eggs in that basket, in a manner of speaking. And as a member of the Western world, I have a vested interest in the USA remaining the most militarily powerful nation in the world.