Funny thing is though I get to see all the problems not just one or two or few full, the entire damn picture and you are looking at this problem the entirely wrong way, to bring things closer to context lets use a favorite tool the developers love using.
Player story.
"I feel nothing significant or when I participate in Planetary Conquest"
-Dust 514 player.
Is a very terrible story I would not like to be true but it is currently.
Here is another story
"Dust 514? What's that? Why should I care?"
-Eve Player
is another terrible story that needs rectifying.
So how do we fix that? We write a better story than currently and pursue that though various means.
"I feel I am apart of something bigger than myself and this game when I participate in Planetary Conquest. That my efforts means something for myself, my friends, my allies, and my enemies and they have a lasting impact beyond the borders of this game."
While a fantasy it's a dream worth pursuing, after all Eve has done this countless of times. one example. As it stands now there is no reason to do factional warfare and no reason to do planetary conquest as a Dust 514 player and furthermore there is probably not any reason to continue playing beyond SP cap and the newer story I am getting now a days people are no longer hitting their caps. Fixing controls is not going to make this game fun or worth continue playing, there have been dozens of shooters that had controls just right and never got anywhere worth of mention.
I also cannot worry about the core at the moment because CCP is very committed to that and that the CPM, are not game designers. We cannot fix that for them or for you. CCP will have to do the fixing and the most we, the community, can do is remind them it is still broken or less than stellar. In other words why waste so much time beating CCP with a dead horse? There are afterall, there quite a few fish to fry though many are not particularly bigger.
Either way its one of the many things and issues facing Dust and CPM has to tackle all aspects of the game and the CPM cannot just simply twiddle its thumbs while CCP fixes one part of the game at a time so like a hydra we have to branch out an attack every issues on every front when possible.
As you put it, nobody in Dust cares about Eve. A counter story to tell you back is nobody cares about Dust carries a far heavier weight. The link needs to start being built in some form or fashion quicker, the earlier you guys start getting hired by Eve players the quicker eve players can start affording to do our logistics the better your lives are all going to get.