Shi Corene
Tronhadar Free Guard Minmatar Republic
Posted - 2013.03.02 10:42:00 -
[1] - Quote
the vehicle controls and fel all need work from small to large issuses each i will explain as most are classe specific.
General: tapping the module switch button should change last selected modul statis from active to deactive or deactive to active, and if none were last used then the default should be selectied from a priority list as followed:
sheild booster (greater sheild restor amount over smaller) - Armor repair (greater armor remair rate amount over smaller) - active hardeners (greater resistes over smaller) - damage controle units - misc.
the default sellectied from the priority list will toggle when R2 is tapped for the first time unless something else was first sellected from the equipment wheel when holding R2
haveing an activate/ deactiveate all module switch button for all module's in equipment wheel for a one button press activate/ deactiveate, could be used with L3
LAV: aside from the phisical control layout the over all feeling of driving a lav needs some serios work... the LAV's are light fast vehicles but seem to have to worst handalling it is far to easy to loose controle and spin out of controle just from trying to turn at moderate volocity or getting some air, they slide around way to easy and the use of the handbrake (if you can call it that) dose not help. it would also be nice to get a third person veiw when driving or maning the turret just as you can get with the tank.
now as far as the phisical controles they need some serios work aswell. haveing the acceleration, reverse, and stearing on one single joystick is complet ideasy and impractical on a controler, as a console and pc gamer for over 25 years i have never seen such a thing done and have it been a succsess.
but in all i give the current game feel a 2/10 RATEING
now as it stands there are unused buttons on the dual shock controler and there are easy work arounds that i will go through and state how it should be to work out best in my opinion.
RS: look/ aim LS: steer R1: activate remote modul/ fire turret L1: hand brake/ aim turret (zoom) R2: accelerate L2: decelerate (brake)/ reverse R3: toggle camera L3: X: module switch O: exit/ enter vehicle Square: look back Trangle: change seat
HAV: HAV's are decent but have some small minor issues for starters there turning direction seems to be based on wether you are moving fowerd or in reverse when useing the dual shock controler, right should always be clockwise and left should always be counterclockwise, this will add consistency in sterring.
i have lose my taracking on many acations as i start to turn the wrong way just because i had to change my heading from forward to reverse when sterring to compensate for slow turret rotation on faster targets. and stearing consistancy will help greatly.
as it is i give this vehicle as it stands to this date in game a 6/10 RATEING
RS: look/ aim LS: steer R1: activate remote module/ fire turret L1: hand brake/ aim turret (zoom) R2: accelerate L2: decelerate (brake)/ reverse R3: toggle camera L3: X: module switch O: exit/ enter vehicle Square: look back Trangle: change seat
DROPSHIP: the dropship is by far the best in phisical and ingame handaling there are small tweeks to the phisical controle layout listed below the ingame handaling is great to.
over all a 9/10 RATEING
RS: look up & down LS: pitch/ roll R1: activate remote module/ fire L1: upward thrust R2: Elivation Lock (SUGGESTION) L2: downward thrust R3: toggle camera L3: Missile ConterMessure (SUGGESTION) X: module switch O: exit/ enter vehicle Square: baydoors Trangle: change seat
i dont have keyboard and mouse so any imput you guys have plaeas say something
SUGGESTION in folowing post |

Shi Corene
Tronhadar Free Guard Minmatar Republic
Posted - 2013.03.02 10:42:00 -
[2] - Quote
SUGGESTION there are two suggestions in the control layout there aswell that i think could use some consideration. and worked them into the controle layout below.
1. Elivation Lock: having an elivation lock could be very usefull for maintaning a elivation without having to pualsate the thrusters to maintain a steady elivation. this could be very usefull in as it can free up the pilot to focus more on just menuvering around and not have to worry about how high over the ground they are or keeping that steady hight just above a drop point for dust mercs to drop unto. useing eather thruster will undo the lock so that if needed they can fly up or down with out having to undo the lock. think of it as a flight assistant
2. Missile CounterMesure: now its farly easy to eather out menuver or out run missiles most of the time but not always missile countermessuers simaller to flares or some sort of ewar jamming to distract or jam the gidance systems of some of the swarm missiles heading your way to help keep you in the air would be nice to have. but on a limited carried.
countermessuers should scall in use capacity based on tair of dropship malitia: 1 use standerd: 2 uses advance: 3 uses prototype: 4 uses
FLARE flares should act as decoys that the effected missles track after instead of the dropship, each flare use should only distract 1-2 missles of a single swarm. with the addition of flares there should be vehicle moduals witch enhance the number of missles distracted per use say 1 extra missles distraction per teir for a max or 4-5 effected missiles at prototype grade
EWAR ewar sould effect the gidance systems of effected missles, this could be should by decreasing missles agility so that they turn alot slowere as if thay have lost there target or having a hard time finding it now if you are straight in its path this wont help you as all they have to do is fly straight but with evasive menuvering this could cause the missiles to miss completly dispite still being in there effective range. the same number of effected missiles should be simulare to flares, as well as vehicle modules effects.
looking to feed back from this forum thread. |