Iron Wolf Saber
Posted - 2012.12.17 14:32:00 -
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Sabotage is a multiple objective, multiple deliver the bomb objective.
Objective: -Attackers- Destroy the defending and docked MCC by using bombs on facilities to disable it. -Defenders- Destroy the offensive MCC by defending facilities.
Map Rules There is an attacking and defending MCC
Larger Payouts for MCC destruction
Both MCCs are not in red zones.
Increase clone reserves to encourage MCC destuction victory if nessecary.
Vehicles allowed
No restrictions on gear.
Null Cannons are neutral on spawn.
Existing facilities on map are based towards their respective MCCs.
Following new facilities are unique to this game mode and provides bonuses for defenders and are spread out and hard to defend all of them at the same time.
-Shield Generator - Reduces Anti-MCC damage. -Fuel Depot - increases the rate of fire of the defending MCC. -Uplink - decreases the defending team's WP cost for support. -Comms Relay - Deploys random facilities in defenders control though out the map's life span. -Null Cannon Lock (multiple)- Prevents Null cannons from being captured. Can be destroyed by defenders. -Security Center - Alerts defenders to facilities being attack, severely increases facilities hacking times, reduces time to counter hack the consoles to remove virus. -MCC Supply Gravity Lift - While it offers no advantages to the defenders it is a new structure for this game type.
Game Rules Total destruction of all facilities is not needed for victory however, total destruction results in victory usually.
Clone Depletion Victory is possible
Facilities can be destroyed without using a bomb however the time effort is more efficient with the bomb.
Facilities can also be hacked, but with security center up its very difficult to destroy a building in this manner as self destruct timer is longer, and requires all consoles to be hacked.
Destroying a facility reverses the bonuses they provided.
-Shield Generator - When destroyed it increases incomming damage from anti-mcc weapons to much higher than normal, also destroying the shield generator reduces overall shield hp significantly. -Fuel Depot - decreases rate of fire from the defending MCC to below normal. -Uplink - increases WP cost for support to above normal. -Comms Relay - Destroying comms relay would now spawn in facilities as neutral and spread better across the map. -Null Cannon Lock (multiple)- The neutral null cannons can now be captured by either team. -Security Center - Defenders will no longer be alerted to when a bomb is armed. Hacking facilities are much easier but still alerts defenders. -MCC Supply Gravity Lift - if a team is lucky enough, they can use this facility to board and can hold the spawn room they can get to this lift and place a bomb within the hostile MCC causing serious damage. Future iterations may have explore-able MCC interiors where various places inside the MCC can be bombed.
Bomb Rules Bombs are manufactured from the attacking MCC
Bomb handlers cannot use 'role' vehicle seats (gunner or driver)
Bomb handlers cannot, order vehicles, use weapons, equipment, or hack while holding the bomb
Bomb handlers cannot drop the bomb either on their own accord.
Bombs have a hold to pickup timer
Bombs lose HP and Damage output if the carrier dies and drops the bomb.
Bombs when being held reduces user's speed.
Multiple Bombs are allowed to be carried by the attacking team
Bombs have Arming Timers, Disarming Timers, and timer to detonate after arming.
Various Dropsuits are unaffected by various bomb penalties
-Logistics gets bonus to disarming and arming speeds. -Heavies get no carry speed penalty. -Scouts can arm bombs without alerting the hostile team until it is armed. -Assaults can use a sidearm while carrying the bomb. -Crusaders can use equipment and call in support while carrying the bomb. -Pilot suits can use the driver seat while carrying the bomb (but not gunner only seats)
Promotion Goals Complex environment encourages teamwork to overcome the high number of bombers or facilities to attack.
Large number of facilities makes it more impossible for defenders to lock out the attackers from any chance at success.
Attackers have to decide which facilities to take out and in what order to get the bonuses to fail for the enemy team, facility destruction creates a more 'dynamic' battlefield.
More than one way to skin a cat game mode.
Provides a scenario where the defender is the actual holding corporation on a conquered district.
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