J'Jor Da'Wg
Posted - 2012.12.09 20:46:00 -
[1] - Quote
T'was the Night before Christmas... in New Eden wrote: T'was the Night before Christmas, and all through the War Barge Not a soul was stirring, not even a Mercenary. The GEK-38's were hung on the gun rack with care; in hopes that Kris "Klaws" Kringle would soon be there.
The immortal clone soldiers were standing staring at their unsleepable beds, while visions of SP boosters danced through their heads. And my squadmate in his dropsuit, and I with my HMG had just settled in for a long winters guard duty.
When out in the War Room there rose such a clatter, I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter. To the CRU I flew in a flash, and popped into being with a bang and a crash.
The moon on the hull of the great MCC Gave the lustre of mid-day to objectives below, When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a red painted dropship, and eight biomechanical reindeer,
With a little old pilot, seated in the cockpit I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick. More rapid than rifters his coursers they came, And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
"Now, Impairor! now, Ibis! now, Velator and Reaper! On, Avatar! on Leviathan! on, Erebus and Ragnarok! To the top of the flight ceiling! to the top of the atmosphere! Now activate afterburner modules! Activate! Activate all!"
As swarm missiles that after the lock on they fly, When they meet with an target, mount to the sky, So up to the MCC the coursers they flew, With the dropship full of toys, and Sanmatarr Claus too.
And then, with some static, I heard on the TACNET The blasting and whining of each little thruster. As I drew in my hand, and was turning around, Activating the Inertia Dampener St. Nicholas came down to the ground.
He was dressed all in armor, from his head to his foot, And his dropsuit was all tarnished with plasma burns and soot; A bundle of explosives he had flung on his back, And he looked like a mercenary just opening his pack
His visor -- how it twinkled! his sensors how many! His chestplate was spattered with blood like roses, his boots like a cherry! His droll little SMG was drawn up like at the ready, And the insignia on his shoulder pad was as white as the snow;
The stump of a Nova Knife he held tight in his sheath, And the glow it encircled his hand like a wreath; He had a broad helmet and a great round belly, That was covered, by a Prototype dropsuit, I think it was a Heavy.
He was muscular and conditioned, a right jolly old clone, And I laughed when I saw him, which I musn't condone; A quick grunt, and a twist of his head, Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, Spreading the presents under the null cannon; then turned with a jerk, Commiting suicide, his body in it's death throes, His conciousness transferred, up to his War Barge he rose;
He sprang to the helm, to his slaves gave a whistle, And away they all warped like the down of a thistle. But I heard him exclaim, ere he dematerialized out of sight, "HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, AND TO ALL A GOOD-FIGHT!"
On December 25, many of us will be celebrating the Christmas holiday. (If you another religion... well, ok. But the main holiday at this time of year is undeniably Christmas, no need to rustle your jimmies about it.)
Now, you might wonder, what happens in New Eden on that day? Well, in the latest communication I received from CONCORD, they explained it all to me.
CONCORD wrote:"On the Christmas morning, mercenaries all across New Eden wake up in excitement. Putting on the robe and pajama dropsuit, they rush out of the Mercenary Quarters to the nearest CRU. During the night, the infamous immortal clone mercenary Kris "Klaws" Kringle, or more popularly know as, "Sanmatarr Claus", rides over the battlefield in his red painted dropship. At each district he takes presents, stuffs them in a XT-1 large missile launcher, and fires them out in not so neat stacks.
The happy mercs, rushing to the objectives, find packs of presents stacked under the null cannon. (Which, is usually decorated with tinsel and christmas lights, and ornaments like the severed heads of their enemies.)
After getting the nearest Logistics guy to open the titanium present boxes with a nova knife or a plasma cutter, they joyously run around playing with their newest toys, and engaging in friendly live fire war games with their fellow mercenaries.
Some presents are too big to fit in Sanmatarr Claus's dropship, so he sends a special RDV to deliver the box. For instance, last year one merc received a special edition HAV with the real Templar One's signature on it!"
Overall, it is a great time of year. This year, I asked Sanmatarr Claus for a few runs of the B Series Heavy dropsuit, and maybe even my very own BPO Black Ops LAV! (Although I saw that only a few people were getting that. Sanmatarr Claus uses slave labor to make the presents, and even they can be whipped into so much productivity.)
So, what are your holiday experiences (real and imaginary) in New Eden?  |