8404-0000 GREEN wrote:RED DOT: covers up target, fast on target - nearly point and shoot, situational awareness, has batteries
HOLOGRAPHIC: aim through to target ("ghost like crosshair"), fast on target - nearly point and shoot, situational awareness, has batteries
ACOG: Will obscure target, allows for quick sight picture down range, allows for multiple markings for range, easy to get tunnel vision, always on, no power needed radioactive stuff inside.
IRON-SIGHTS: covers up target, fast close in/slower down range on target, click click click for range, possible tunnel vision, great for moving targets at range, no batteries!
Having actually used weapons with a variety of sights "IRL"....
Sniper rifles needing to settle does a pretty good job of simulating all that is needed to line up a long range shot w/o getting to fancy with it and since like you said it appears our helmets are closed I would imagine some kind of "closed back part camera cap" or what not on any scope or sight would do a fine job of eliminating having to line up the sights.
The Camera sight, if you've noticed, is some kind of fixed sight on the rifle, not just a suit thing, and makes sense since you actually "see what the rifle sees" in this mode. What would be neat is maybe an animation or something that shows a bit of a wobble or something as you steady it, or more of an on the move stabilization penalty....
Adding that would give an advantage to closer in style of optics and "alert" type of thinking and movement.
Honestly I doubt any troop would be issued ironsights on the battlefield (and actually most arn't in earth 2012) if it weren't for budgets and cost (there we go market market market).....there's plenty of other optics that take its place just fine, the 2012 US Marines pretty much use an ACOG now. However for moving targets, Ironsights seem to be favored....however reflex/red dots fill that role too....but all love the ACOG.
It would be nice to have thermal sights or similar, I have no idea what our suits cover up in that respect though, for all you know our suits have thermal dampening (future skill/module?) that matches suit exterior temperature to surroundings.
In all honesty, taking out "obtaining sight picture" from the sights you lose the real world aspect and advantages so really they are all good thanks to our suits camera and sight positions, maybe the answer is Zoom level changes and cross hairs.
"Old Mass Produced" tech rifles would be neat to see on the market cheap, "from stockpiles of discontinued weapons" or something. This is where the camera on the stock looking down the sights which we are all issued with each suit comes in hand, Militia gear expanded? These wouldn't be as accurate at distance because they are less specialized and more mass produced.