Otosan Ookami
Royal Uhlans Amarr Empire
Posted - 2012.09.04 19:25:00 -
[1] - Quote
Ok... 3 builds of "testing" , and i'll try to keep this out of long winding exercises in creative writing, or succumbing to my IRL shooting hobbies and blathering on about the real thing.
Firstly, as I've been told repeatedly, RDR doesn't count, so DUST is my first Modern FPS.
Yes, I'm one of the jerks deliberately demonstrating how silly the K/D board is as well. No, I don't leave when I die. I just mix a LOT of good cover, Extreme range-sniping, and the odd "Sniper being a serious jerk to the whole map with the Railgun Turret "
If I had 2 fully working hands, I'd enjoy being able to run and shoot in ambush. Couldawouldashoulda not run my main onethrough a press. So I've adapted.
35.94 K/D 1,114 Kills, 31 deaths.
One crushed hand leads to 3 builds of almost Obsessive Skirmish Hopping, following the perfect Long shot.
I welcome my fellow snipers of course to weigh in on their experiences. I'm obviously some insane, Useless Noob with a Long-Range fetish.
For the record I'm at 4.6m sp (almost entirely dumped into sniping) Weaponry 5 and Snipe 5 pushing the damage as well.
My fitting is
Type 2 Scoutsuit One Complex light Damage mod Prototype Ishukone (sometimes charge snipe) Level 1 grenades Gauged Nanohive 2x Basic CPU mods.
And I can barely fit that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This build has been the Sniper's friend, and after shooting with 1/4 the draw distance for the last 2 builds, Thank you for rewarding the persistence of those of us most dedicated to the job.
The Reticle
I know it's in the works (but down on the list) to fix the Reticle eventually.
To that end, on Non-Tactical Sniper rifles, at ranges of about 550-650 you begin to run into the issue of the Pip being larger than most of your actual target . On a SD television ( which some folks do still have) this is less of an issue, as the equipment will naturally limit any shooter somewhat.
On a HD television, the ability to select a HD reticle would be a welcome addition.
My own preference would be for the basic Hair-thin "+" with 4 small hollow circles along each axis at the tips to aid us in compensating for the inevitable variance in where we see our target, versus where we need to adjust our "Kentucky Windage" to get the shot.
This would also be a better configuration for the Charge Snipe variant. As it stands, the current Charge indicator intrudes on long range shooting, giving people running from/to cover a small red line to hide within, slowing the sniper's reaction time.
With the HD reticle, you could light each of the translucent circles in series to indicate a full charge. Keeping the indicator within the Operator's "Tunnel vision" without obscuring nearly as much of the shot. .
Variable magnification scopes would be lovely, but something I've found in my own shooting of moving targets... I tend to miss more with the Tactical, because I don't lead the shots the same way in the sight picture as the weaker scopes. Intense Zoom only really works on Stationary/Distracted targets.
This brings us to the Guns themselves.
Militia Snipe is an awesome rifle, but I fear too capable right now of easy kills on better suits. It should murder Militia fits, but it should be lowered slightly to force just a bit more Followup-shot work against more durable suits.
One shot, One kill is supposed to be the sniper's bread and butter, and having climbed the ladder 3 times, I know how hard it is to progress if you use the basic tools.
The charge snipe at level 2 is a blessing, as it instantly gives the low-end sniper the ability to kill just about Anyone, Anywhere. I've used it extensively... no truer friend....
The level 2 one needs to be dropped down to the Proto Ishukone damage at 222, versus the current base of 259.
Deep breath my fellow Gun-monkeys, It will STILL kill , but there will be more incentive to use the better rifles at the top tier, Not just train to 2 and stop because you out-damage Prototype.
Besides, If you're a good sniper, you aren't dying much either, you can spare the ISK.
New Variants and A/V sniping.
2 builds ago, the "big secret" was that ALL weapons could hit the weak points on vehicles, not just the intended A/V Prototype AUR sniper rifle. This was removed to stop us from laughing our selves to death by killing Tanks with a militia AR.
A/V sniping will return, and to that End an "Enhanced" Level 5 charge sniper rifle would fit these needs nicely. We should NOT be soloing a Tank (unless they ignore you through a reload cycle) But we should pose a legitimate threat if ignored.
On this end, a 2 stage charge on the rifle , give it the same High base damage as the current charge snipe (if not a few points higher, say 270?) and add a second stage A/V charge to the rifle, that ONLY adds multipliers to damage versus vehicles. (at any angle)
On a personal side, it would be nice to have 2 click firing... Hold it till it's charged THEN a second push to fire... but that's just the bad hands begging for relief.
Keep a bare-frame, full charge shot at 1.5x damage, and spike it to x2 for a Weak point hit.
Now how to Keep snipers from Soloing tanks, and encourage teamwork? Recoil Damage.
Elephant "emergency" gun the ..577 T-Rex 220lbs/99 Kg of recoil force to the shooter.
The .950 JDJ, the largest rifle you can buy ( if you can get them to make one for you )
Now that folks are done laughing at people hurting themselves... I think if the gun destroyed the user's shields (or damaged the armor with repeated shots at speed) it would keep talented Soloists from making everything an utter hell for drivers.
It would also reduce people trying to run around up close with such a weapon. |
Otosan Ookami
Royal Uhlans Amarr Empire
Posted - 2012.09.04 19:26:00 -
[2] - Quote
Bah, Brevity fail. So close to the Limit
Quick notes...... Bullet drop would be great for Gun Geeks like me.
However it would allow some of us to curve bullets in OVER cover... and i'm just the sort of Jerk to obsessively practice that.
You don't want that, and good scopes would compensate for that this far in the future anyhow. Not to mention at 2500 m/s = 8200 fps, not much time to drop/shift with the wind
Been reminded of past complaints by others... Will update this as other people remind me of past rants, but the ease of the OHK even with militia gear is a bit too much... That one is harder to address.
Militia snipers have it HARD if they can't nail the headshot, and already must either live on Assists, or follow up shots.
Perhaps a Precision skill to enhance the damage bonus for the "magic" headshot , make it a Level x5 or x7 skill once you have Sniper rifles to 5.
Start with all sniper rifles at a 20% Innate damage headshot bonus.... then once you have the Pre-req Sniper 5 built, you can skill a 30-50% per level damage to your headshots.
Possibly this same skill, Or a separate similar skill would also serve to moderate A/V Sniping by "intimate" knowledge of the target to earn the multipliers.
Force snipers to bull through on Damage mods before they "learn" the finesse to guide that shot to the top of the thoracic Triangle.
Thanks for the Sniper's Playground CCP.
I'll be Seeing everyone in skirmish... At 600m+
Otosan |