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Algintal Core Gallente Federation
Posted - 2012.09.03 05:46:00 -
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You can probably find quite a bit more reference material by googling Eve-Online skill books or something topical. Just keep in mind that EVE handles skills slightly differently than Dust in that EVE starts adding skill points once you inject a skill book. In dust, you collect the points first, then apply them. The modifiers may make more sense if you understand that this logic starts with EVE.
Using skills books as EVE does as a starting point of reference, let's say that I want to drive a BMW. To accomplish this, I would need all prerequisites for driving this car. To keep things in perspective, let's say those prerequisites include the skills Walking (1x modifier), Driving (2x modifier), and BMW Specialization (3x modifier). I will not be able to train BMW Specialization until I have trained Driving, which also requires that I first train Walking. With this example, Walking being the most basic skill has only a 1x modifier. This will train the fastest of the three. Driving, with a modifier of 2x, will require twice as much time invested as the basic skill Walking. BMW Specialization will require 3x as much time invested as the basic skill Walking. EACH skill can also be trained from a level of 0 to 5 to gain additional spec benefits as listed in that particular skill's description. These levels are not the same as time modifiers.
Within EVE, let's say the skill BMW Specialization requires Driving level 2 as a prerequisite. Driving, on the other hand, requires that Walking be trained to level 5 as prerequisite. In this case, I would have to spend time waiting for Walking to level up 5 times, just to be able to train Driving. Then I would have to spend time to get Driving up to at least level 2 to access BMW Specialization.
Once I have BMW Specialization trained up, I may want to customize and gain additional, more specialized skills to boost my BMW stats. Perhaps I could train Manual Transmission (4x modifier) or even Nitro (5x modifier). Hopefully you are seeing that the more specialized the skill book, the higher the modifier is and, ultimately, requiring more time investment for payoff. Also, the more valuable the skill for these smaller, more unique tweeks to stats.
As an EVE player, I would purchase the skill book, inject it, and start training it. This skill trains passively as I continue playing the game, even if I'm logged off. The time modifier gives a good reference point for at this time to estimate training time. for a 1x modifier, perhaps Level 1 takes 1 minute; Level 2: 15 minutes; Level 3; 1 hour; Level 4: 8 hours; Level 5: 17 hours. Please note these are just random numbers for the sake of this example. If a skill has a 2x modifier, then you can assume that THAT particular skill will require twice as much time per level. A skill with a 3x modifier will of course require three-times as much as the base skill.
This is where we are coming from.
The basic difference with Dust is that you earn skill points both passively over time and actively by game objectives, kills, etc. You are not required to first inject a skill book to start earning those points. Here in Dust, you just earn them and can apply them to whatever skill book you want, as long as you already meet any prerequisites. The modifier still works the same way at its core, it's just not as obvious here in Dust as you don't have to wait 3x as long for the skill. Well, technically you DO, but you've already invested that time playing the game. Once you apply those skill points to your desired skill, it appears instantly. My guess it is this relationship that is causing your confusion.
Regarding buying multiple copies, keep in mind that EVE is the universe these skills come from. Using the example from above, let's say that you still want to train BMW Specialization. You live in Australia. The skill book you want is only available in the U.K., for whatever reason. You can choose to fly all the way to the U.K. yourself to purchase and train this desired skill, or you can pay someone else to make that journey for you because you don't want to be bothered to spend the time, risk any PVP along the way, or it's time for sleep. I, as a third-party player, may realize that there is a demand for this skill book in your area and can try to leverage this to my gain. I could by a stock of these skill books at a price of 100isk, make the long dangerous trek to your location, and post them on the market there. In that I have no competition in your area, I can set whatever price I want. Perhaps I will charge 10,000isk per book in your area. You have the option to spend time travelling to save money, or pay my ridiculous prices to save time and continue playing your game.
This is EVE. Well, it's a small part of EVE, but this will eventually be part of Dust too I assume.
I know that's a chunk to read, but I hope that it helps some.
The following is for EVE specific, just remember the difference I explained above. Hopefully it will all click up.
EVE Skill Books (simplified): http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/A_Newcomer's_Guide#-_Skill_Books
EVE Skill Guide: http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Skills_guide
- me.
p.s. BMW Specialization does not exist in the EVE universe, as far as I'm aware of. =) |