Posted - 2012.08.22 05:17:00 -
[1] - Quote
Three days after the restriction on the limit of the rapid expansion of corporations ended. The first colonization fleets departed to the farthest reaches of the universe in a quest for money wealth and power. The ultra-wealthy launched their armadaGÇÖs to reclaim that which was lost twenty years prior. Their vast empires that encompassed entire star-systems, sure they were called corporations but as the old adage says GÇ£a rose by any other name is still a rose.GÇ¥
Twenty years since the main empires gathered to decree that the constant war over the planets had destroyed entire ecosystems with countless scores of animals becoming extinct from bombing strikes, and deforestation due to the building of outposts, supply lines, roads, and excavation sites.
The idea was met with open arms by the people as there had been numerous protests against the little regard for indigenous species inhabiting the planets as they were mined hollow, many moons became unstable and as a result collapsed in on themselves. On planets whose moons were no longer there the oceans had receded by an average of 35 percent every five years. Many planets have also started becoming arid; mainlandGÇÖs now dominated by vast deserts.
Other planets had entered an ice age due to near light speed destruction of its ozone layer which caused in hyper global warming. Melting the polar icecaps with lasers to get at long buried asteroids trapped under a few thousand years of ice wasnGÇÖt helpful either.
Chapter 1
the clanking of combat boots on the metal grill on the walkway denoted the presence behind him, the snap of a button being unclasped followed shortly by a familiar GÇ£kachickGÇ¥ as the other chambered a round into the barrel of his pistol.
GÇ£So this is how it endGÇÖs?GÇ¥
GÇ£IGÇÖm afraid so sir, you knew this would happen when you signed up.GÇ¥
GÇ£What of my family, my friends, all of the people that I knew what of them?GÇ¥
GÇ£There is already a detail sent to deal with them.GÇ¥
GÇ£Fine then, shoot and be done with it, I have no regrets.GÇ¥
GÇ£IGÇÖm sorry captain Sehren but orders are orders.GÇ¥
He was already on the ground before he realized he had been shot and dead before he could scream. But oh the pain he felt as he died it was as if a small sun had been thrust into his skull. It was only for an instant but felt like an eternity. And so died Capt. Michael Sehren at least thatGÇÖs what the detail sent to his family told them.
GÇ£ColdGÇ¥ that was his first thought as he opened his eyes and scanned the cloning room. The second thought was GÇ£IGÇÖm dead, at least I was dead.GÇ¥ He stood up synthetic amniotic fluid steam off of him as he walked around the huge hangar sized room staring at the walls with the thousands of pods sitting on them. He turned his gaze to the huge tub sitting in the center with its colossus of wires that fed out of it into the pods. GÇ£How many,GÇ¥ he thought aloud unknowingly GÇ£how many people can be created from one batch of that?GÇ¥
GÇ£12,462GÇ¥ said a voice behind him GÇ£and you are number 817.GÇ¥
A man in a lab coat had wandered up behind him, placed his hand on his shoulder and said.
GÇ£Congratulations on dying, and welcome to immortality Sarn.GÇ¥
Chapter 2
Faye was a sun baked world that "enjoyed" an endless day due to a two sun solar system, Faye had specially modified solar panels that absorbed heat and transferred it into the planets energy source. It was a vacation planet with many bio domes so that its vacationers could have any made for the rich to get away while they check on their mining ventures upon one of FayeGÇÖs 5 moons. That was 30 years ago now it is almost complete desert with small areas of forest from the old bio domes that fell due to lack of care. And two ice caps that cover 5 percent of the planet from the expensive terraforming performed by Faye's government for the ski resorts.
Fal slid behind the rock as the battery on his cloaking device drained out, he ripped the battery off to avoid getting the acid on his scout armor. He checked his HUD and saw that his shield extenders were depleted. He gave a silent prayer of thanks to Altor for making him take a Nano-hive. He dropped it behind the rock and placed the battery next to it, turning it on he was still amazed after countless times as everything was magically repaired and replaced.
Fal reattached the battery and activated the cloak turning him into a shimmering space of air. He stalked off to the next objective hoping that he would not run into another patrol, behind him three RDVGÇÖs and twelve soldiers lay strewn about, only one of the vehicles was still intact the second one was missing the entire back half of it, the third was reduced to a blackened frame.
The forest was microscopic from space but up close it was huge the trees were as tall as redwoods, the lake was crystalline and serene, the air sweet. Fal saw wildlife on his heat map, when he bought his life back he would live somewhere like here he thought.
Fal saw the outpost in the distance as he crested the next hill his HUD told him the DTT was 2km but as he started to descend infantry was released making a bee line for him. Fal sighed realizing that this days killing had not yet ended. Hopping from cover to cover Fal moved as fast as safely possible in three minutes he had closed the distance and stopped to catch his breath. A snap, at least one had reached him Fal stayed still and hoped that they didnGÇÖt have newer sensors that could read his stealth. Riskily he looked at his motion sensor it read the one, Fal readied his nova knife and plunged into the troopers jugular cutting sideways sliding around the tree to avoid the blood. Fal slipped through the hole he created nimbly avoiding two other soldiers and walked through the gate, he was half way to the target when the EMP was fired. |