I applaud the intention of the OP to calm things down. After all as Gorge Carlin would say: "War is just a lot of men standing around in a field waving their p ricks at one another. That is why all the rockets and bullets are shaped like d*cks, its the subconscious need to f*ck with other people". All gaming communities seem to follow the same principle. Over the last 20+ years of playing different kind of online games, I have yet to find a forum where players have only gentle pillow fights, and always cuddle afterward . And if they do, the pillows are usually filled with sharp rocks instead of feathers.
I think in that respect the EVE community only differs from any other gaming community in their almost perverse pride in openly admitting: "I love griefing other people, I am lean and mean and I live in a dark universe"
I played EVE for 3 years and it took me almost 2 to get used to this all pervasive macho badassery - especially since I mostly played a carebear industrialist. At some point I simple realized - without those null sec a-holes I wouldn't have anything to do.

On the other hand EVE is one of the most fascinating and steadfast communities that I ever encountered. Many people stop playing EVE for a while and move on to other games, but they always return. I have not been playing for almost 2 years now, because I lacked a more casual game style. But I never stopped following their internal developments and now I came back because of Dust and Factional Warfare revamp. I know some players who do not play anymore but they still visit the EVE funfest in Reykjavik every year. I think that despite all the badass attitudes I encountered in EVE, it is a game that actually inspires loyalty and trust in the long run.
When it comes to all the arguing EVE vs FPS, KB&M vs DS3, PC vs Console: If you want to make an omelet you have to brake some eggs, and as far as I understand it, CCP is attempting something that has never been attempted before.
Naturally, the FPS elite will say fail because DUST is too slow or too RPG like - if it does not meet their usual expectations, lets blame the nasty and arrogant EVE players. On the other side of the barricade the vocal minority, mostly null-sec fascists, say fail because they are afraid that their precious chaos and anarchy is being threaten by some more chaos - yes EVE is full of such paradoxes and I guess that's what makes it so fun.
I think there is no real creativity without some creative tension, you cannot discover new possibilities if you don't risk the impossible - Unfortunately, to the surface observer this unfamiliar pattern usually feels as something wrong.
"There is no way to make people like change. You can only make them feel less threatened by it.GÇ¥ - Frederick O'R. Hayes
Keeping in mind that DUST 514 is not supposed to be your typical FPS, I have a strong faith in CCP being able to successfully accomplish their goal.
If you look around there are not many truly innovative games out there. Most games are becoming mindless grinds and are consumed and spat out by the hungry locust players almost before they are fully released. EA Star Wars The Old Republic is a perfect example of this: A gigantic investment to make an epic game, instead an epic fail of yet another WoW clone.
CCP is actually one of the few companies trying something new. They are fiercely loyal to their players, yes I have no doubt that already includes all their Dust beta testers, and they are not afraid to admit their mistakes. - To those of you truly interested in getting to know CCP as a company I recommend reading about CCP CEO publicly apologizing to EVE players - And it wasn't just some PR stunt, after their apology CCP actually made some major corrections to their development goals and strategy.
Personally I think we have enough people who love telling us how things are and how they should remain. Instead I would like to listen to someone who dares to say how it could be and therefore I bet on CCP. We can help them balancing and improving this game and continue deeper into the rabbit hole or we can simply stay within our comfort zone confident that it is the arrogant players on the other side of the barricade that are ruining my game.