Renic Fallheart
Algintal Core Gallente Federation
Posted - 2012.07.14 07:31:00 -
[1] - Quote
I am in agreement that the Move control scheme for Dust needs a LOT of work. I played around with it for a while today, using the Move and Motion controllers in the Sharpshooter peripheral, and plan to keep playing with them later on tonight when I have the time, but here are my initial impressions:
Firstly, the fixed sights when aiming down the sights with L1 is just heinous. When you aim at a target with the mobile crosshair from the hip and you want to aim down the sights at it, when you press L1 the view zooms in on the CENTER of the screen, not where the crosshair was. Go play MAG and play around with the "Fixed Iron Sights" option both off and on. In MAG, I cannot hit a damn thing with the fixed sights on, and they even do it right so that when you bring up the sights it zooms on where the crosshair was aimed. Also, when aiming down the sights, the movement of the crosshair seems to be much more sluggish, and it is EXTREMELY hard to track a moving target while aiming. I understand the need to slow down the movement of the crosshair when zoomed in, and I would be crying foul if that wasn't included, but there needs to be a separate dead-zone setting for when you are aiming down the sights. Go look at what Zipper Interactive did for MAG's Move control options. It's just about the perfect amount of control options.
While I'm on the topic of the control options, the option to change the cursor sensitivity doesn't seem to do much except change whether I need to aim high or low. When I turned the option up to a higher number, my crosshair dropped down quite a lot, and I needed to aim ABOVE my TV in order to have my cursor centered. When I turned it down to a lower number, the inverse happened and I needed to aim below my TV to center the cursor.
Also, the dead-zone controls seem to do just about nothing. With them turned all the way up or all the way down, I still need to move my reticule almost all the way to the edge of the screen before I get anything more than a slow crawl of a turn. Also, I noticed that with both dead-zone settings turned all the way to zero and with them turned all the way to 100, there seems to be a glitch in the movement. When I would move the cursor slowly to the right or left, the view would change and get incrimentally faster as is expected, but once I got to around 1/4 of the distance from the edge of my TV, turning would stop completely. If I continued to move the cursor, after about an inch or two on my 42" TV, the movement would pick right back up.
I noticed that the cursor has a great deal of wobble. My playing position with the Sharpshooter is to sit centered in front of the TV, about four feet from it, cocked at about a 45 degree angle to the right, with my elbows locked on my knees and the stock against shoulder and cheek. It is a very stable shooting position, and I noticed that while aiming with no movement whatsoever that the cursor was quite jittery, and it was worsened when aiming at specific areas of the screen.
Another large qualm that I have with the Sharpshooter's implementation is the pump action feature. When pulled back, the pump activates the trigger of the Move controller and fires your weapon. Dust needs to be able to know when the Move controller is plugged into the Sharpshooter and either disable the Move trigger or reassign its function and leave the function of firing the weapon to the digital trigger on the Sharpshooter. This was a HUGE problem for me when I was learning to use the Sharpshooter on MAG, as I've been trained to pull my weapon into my shoulder tighter when firing, and I found myself repeatedly pulling back on the pump and firing my weapon before I was ready.
I really dig Dust and I have high hopes for it, but the Move controls need a hell of a lot of work. I hope that my observations can help make this a better game overall |