Silver Strike44
Posted - 2017.04.15 20:07:00 -
[1] - Quote
Alias: Where are we going? Neck: I don't fu cking know, DK has the map. DK: What map? He just gave us an address. Shep: OK, what was it? DK: I don't know, Alias was supposed to remember. Shep: Whose moment of genius was it to have that lobotomy volunteer remember anything more than what number the Big Mac is on the menu? DK: That's just what happens when Silver isn't here. We give Alias the most important job. Alias: Yeah, why is that? Neck: Just keep driving, fu ck- ni gger. DK: We had Alias drive and remember the address? Alias: Yeah, except I didn't actually remember how to do either of those things. Neck: Are you that fu cking brain-dead? You're driving right now. Alias: No, I put it in cruise control. Shep: That's not really how that works, Alias. Alias: Well, it's worked so far. DK: How do you forget how to drive? Alias: I never learned. Neck: Then how do you transport your fat a ss to McDonald's five times a day. Alias: I walk. If I don't then the Big Macs go straight to my neck. DK: Or you could just not go to McDonald's and then there wouldn't be any Big Macs to go to your neck. Alias: But then my heart would stop. Neck: I thought you were a fat ugly ni gger. Turns out you're a stupid fat ugly ni gger. Shep: You just noticed that? You've been around him long enough that you might as well have watched his lobotomy. Did you have one too? DK: I guess I'm going to drive then since dipsh it here can't. Neck: Fu ck you, I'll drive. Shep: Are either of you two even old enough to drive? Neck: Old enough to fu ck your mother, *****-ni gger. Alias: If he's a ni gger and you had sex with his mom, doesn't that mean you had sex with a ni gger. Neck: No his dad's the ni gger. Alias: At least he has a dad. DK: Yeah, and aren't ni ggers usually the ones who don't have dads? Guess Neck's the real ni gger here. Neck: You don't have a dad either, fu ck- f ag. DK: At least I'm not a ni gger. Neck: Yes you are you fu cking white-palmed, pink-lipped, slave-ni gger. Alias: Neck, I'm going to need you to stop being so racist. It's disrupts my driving. Shep: So you figured out how to drive? I guess even chimps can learn. Alias: No, I still don't know how, but now I'm blaming Neck. Shep: Neck, just call him and ask what the address is. Neck: Why the fu ck do I have to do it? Shep: Because you're the master of the Skype call. DK: Do you get it, Neck? It's because you jerked off to Black Ice over Skype that one time. Neck: I absolutely fu cking didn't you qu eer mother-fu cker. Alias: Are you talking about fu cking ni gger-moms again? Neck: No, I'm talking about sh itting down your fu cking neck hole if you don't shut the fu ck up. DK: Is that why they call you NoNeck? Because you don't have a di ck or balls and you're a whiny bi tch? Alias: What does that have to do with no Neck? DK: What do you mean? That perfectly describes NoNeck. Shep: They call him NoNeck because he doesn't have a neck hole for me to sh it down so I have to sh it straight in his mouth. Neck: All you fu cking jigga boos can shut the fu ck up or I'll fu cking annihilate all of you. Now let me drive, fu ck- wad. Shep: Alright, peewee, I'll grant you an honorary learner's permit if you call and ask for the address. Neck: Fu cking fine. I'll call him since you're all either too re tarded or too ***** to do it. Gus: Yello? Neck: Hello, sir. Could you please remind us what the address is? It seems to have slipped all of our silly minds. Gus: Oh, you silly boys. Don't make me get the ball gags out again. But I'll let this one slide. The address is 10 1st St. Neck: Thank you kindly, sir. Have a wondrous evening. Gus: Do what I sent you to do and maybe I will. Neck: The address is 10 1st St. you fu cking re tards. Shep: Alias, you couldn't even remember that? Alias: I can't remember and drive at the same time. DK: Yeah, but any other human being can. That includes autists and down syndrome-havers. Alias: But you say I'm both of those things all the time. DK: You are and so much more. Neck: Yeah, like a bi tch and a f ag and a re tard and obese and of course a homely ni gger. Alias: Why do you guys always say I'm fat? DK: Because you eat so much McDonald's, what do you mean? Alias: But I'm not fat. Neck: But you are still a fa ggot-a ss fat fu ck. Shep: How long have we been stopped? Alias: About 20 minutes. Neck: But you said you were driving, a ss-clown. Alias: No, I said I had it in cruise control. Neck: What the fu ck ever, qu eer-bate. You're still re tarded. Alias: Actually, you're all re tards. You couldn't even tell the car was parked at the address for the last 20 minutes. DK: Alias, did you just troll us? Alias: Yeah, and I can't believe it worked. You would actually have to be a re tard to believe that I walk to McDonald's. Neck even called Gustavo. Shep: Wow, I'm actually impressed, Alias. Neck: Still a ni gger. Shep: Well, then I guess you just got wrecked by a ni gger Neck. Or dare I say PIKED. Neck: Let's just fu cking do this then. DK: Who brought the guns. Shep: I think I know how this is about to go. It was Alias' job, right? Alias: Yeah, it was my job. Shep: And you forgot the guns? Alias: Yeah, I forgot the guns. Neck: Of fu cking course. Alias: But I did remember gun. DK: Why are you like this? Alias: Like what? Shep: Why is there only one gun? Alias: Silver said we didn't need to waste money on any more. DK: He couldn't afford a few pistols but he could afford a military grade sniper? Alias: He had a coupon Neck: Where is that fu cking Jew? Alias: I think he's clipping more coupons. Shep: Well, you seem to be on top of things, Alias, so I guess you should hold the gun. Alias: Good, because I wasn't giving it to any of you fu cking re tards anyways.
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