Silver Strike44
Posted - 2017.04.11 02:31:00 -
[1] - Quote
Neck: I just totally fu cking wrecked some kids in ranked. We 4-0'd them and I sh it on them every round. Pack: How'd you do that, my ni gga? Neck: What do you mean? I'm just a fu cking beast. DK: So you didn't use Ash and Jager? Neck: Yeah, I used them. So what? DK: So you're going to brag about doing well when you used OP characters? Neck: They aren't OP, you fat, ugly ni gger. DK: Yes they are. How else would you go 3 and 2? Neck: You would have to be re tarded to think they are OP, fa glord. And it was 4 and 3. DK: Even Kai could do good with Ash and Jager and he's more re tarded than you are, uglier than you are, has longer hair than you do, and has a smaller di ck than you do. Neck: Are you fu cking kidding me? DK: Yeah, he's actually color-blind, too. And he probably has a way bigger di ck than you do. Neck: I don't need Ash and Jager to do good, fa gwad. DK: Then why don't you let anyone else use them? Neck: Because I'm the best Ash-Jager in the squad. So eat my a ss you fu cking re tarded baby-di ck bi tch- ni gger. DK: Kill yourself, you down-sy ndrome autist.
Later that night Neck is on his way to a party.
Shep: Beware the Ides of dogsh it. Neck: What the fu ck does that mean? Shep: Fu cking figure it out. I'm not just going to carry you to the answer. Now get out of my rickshaw; this is your stop. Neck: What the fu ck ever.
Silver: Neck, will you accept the crown of the best Ash-Jager crutch user? Neck: Fu ck no. I don't need those characters to do good. Plus they aren't even OP.
The crowd cheers.
Silver: Again I offer you this crown. Will you accept it? Neck: I said fu ck off with that sh it. Those characters aren't a crutch and I don't need them anyways.
The crowd cheers louder.
Silver: I must ask you one last time, will you take the crown? Neck: I told you to fu ck the fu ck off you fu cking baby- di ck re tard-ni gger fu ck-f ag.
Neck has an aneurysm. The crowd goes wild thinking he has fainted from his humbleness. Cut to later that night.
DK: Neck is out of control. He says Ash and Jager aren't OP. Alias: So? DK: He also says he's the best Ash-Jager in the squad, but he never even lets anyone else play them. Alias: What do you want me to do about it? DK: I want you to help me kill him. Alias: That sounds like a lot of work. What do I get out of it? DK: You get to play Ash and Jager sometimes. Alias: Those characters are a little too relevant for me. I'm more of a silenced, angled grip, ACOG IQ and irrele-roam Caveira kind of guy, so what else do I get? DK: I'll buy you some McDonald's. Alias: I'll think about it.
Cut to about a month later on the senate floor. Alias shoves double quarter-pounders down his throat faster than humanly possible.
Neck: Alright, fu ck-ni ggers, what'd you want to talk to me about? DK: It's about you always taking Ash and Jager. Neck: What about it? I'm the best Ash-Jager in the squad so of course I'm going to take them. DK: We think we should all get chances to play them and we'll see who the best Ash-Jager is. Neck: Fu ck that, you're all awful. DK: Alright, I gave you one last chance.
All of the conspirators, including DK, Alias, Pack, and the 3 black kids Neck pulled a knife on in High School, draw their dinner forks and rusty fish hooks and each take their turn stabbing Neck. Finally, Alias approaches Neck with a particularly sharp french fry.
Neck: Et tu, Brute? (Translation: Fu ck you, you fat, ugly, baby-di ck, co ck-suck, qu eer-fu ck, sweaty, re tard-ni gger fat-fu ck.)
Cut to the next day at the funeral.
Silver: I understand why this was done. All I ask is that I receive the Playstation Plus Neck owed me from the people that killed him and we shall remain at peace. DK: I spent all my money on McDonald's to convince Alias to do it help kill Neck. Alias: I spent all my money on McDonald's to convince myself to get out of bed this morning. Pack: And I'm a broke-a ss ni gga. Silver: Then it will be war.
The conspirators flee. Each side amasses their army. After much fighting, Silver's army manages to gain the upper hand using brutal, Geneva Convention-defying tactics that would make even Gustavo sick. DK and Alias' army crumbles.
Alias: Well, now what? DK: I guess we should just kill ourselves. Alias: Really? DK: Yeah, I'm not going to let Silver pad his k/d any more by killing us. Alias: How are you going to do it? DK: I think I'm going to go out in the most honorable way. Alias: What, running onto your own sword? DK: No, a bear trap or maybe a Kapkan trap. Do we have any of those? Alias: No. DK: How about a fire crossbow? Alias: No. DK: Shock drone? Alias: No. DK: OK, I'm just going to jump off this cliff and down myself. Don't stop my bleed-out. Alias: OK.
DK jumps off the cliff, crushing most of his bones and sending him into agonizing pain.
DK: Alias, please fu cking kill me! I can't take this! Alias: But you said not to stop your bleed-out. DK: Yeah, don't revive me. Just shoot me in the fu cking head! Alias: That would stop your bleed-out. Can't do it. DK: For the love of God! Alias: Best I can do is shoot you in the knee-cap. DK: Pleas-
DK bleeds out.
Alias: That wasn't so bad now was it? Pack: What should we do now, my ni gga? Alias: I guess I'll kill myself too since I'm out of McDonald's. Pack: You want me to hold your sword so you can go out like a honorable ni gga like you said? Alias: No, just pull the pin on a grenade and I'll stand next to you. Pack: OK, my ni gga. I'll never forget yo-
The grenade goes off, killing Alias and Pack. Silver arrives.
Silver: Well, I can only assume that this enormous pile of blood and mac sauce is Alias. He truly was the most noble of us all.
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