Marston VC wrote:xxwhitedevilxx M wrote:benandjerrys wrote:We did it 1st #brexit
Just sayin. Deal with it

I'm not a fervent christian really, but "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing"

Don't make me add "Trump elected president of the USA" on my "things that went horribly wrong in 2016" chart-
I love how the spinsters on the Internet are trying to say "no no, it's a good thing UK lost 2 trillion dollars in their market over night" while also claiming the success of the movement had nothing at all to do with xenophobia XD
But politics is a bad thing to talk about on the forums guys. I'm almost positive it's against the rules.
I've followed the situation closely since there are similar movements also in France, Germany and Italy and since I was seriously considering moving to Scotland for my Master Degree; I felt like I, as european, wouldn't be welcome in UK anymore, so I recently decided to move to Koln in Germany for my studies.
For me, the situation was and still is clear: there have been blatant lies, misinformation and news cherry-picking in both campaigns. Both of them relied on fear. Still both of them were wrong. Remain campaign was all about "if we leave" that inevitably brought in mind Scotland indyref with its fearmongering. They was always there saying if we leave then the pensioners would, if we leave then the economy would, if we leave then war would etc. It was all wrong imo. People wanted to know why should they remain part of the European Union. They didn't want to know why they shouldn't leave. I believe they couldn't care less.
On the other side, it was all flowers and rainbows: much like a "make britain great again". Is the Eu undemocratic? if you asked them then the answer is "of course it is". But how many people are able to tell why? The most informed between them will tell you that it's because the EU commission is not elected directly by the people, but it's appointed instead. But who appoints the commission?
Well, it's appointed by a representative of all the member states, in which Britain always had a prominent position. And there's a reason to that: EU is not a superstate (not yet, and it could well never be) so you really shouldn't vote for the EU commission since it would need a EU-wide campaign as "prime minister of EU" which would need a federal state, cohesion between states, a complete integration of identities as "European" that, as we have seen and as we are still seeing, is simply not there yet.
So, yeah, if people wanted an elected EU commission, they should also accept the EU as a federal state, which, of course, clashes with the other leave campaign for "sovereignty".
In other words, with one (false) argument they got votes from both those who felt let down by Europe, because there wasn't "enough" europe in their lives and by those who seriously believe the European Union is an evil beaurocratic monster that is there just to suck money off Britain. In my opinion a " I just want to be on my own" argument would have beena fairer and much more coherent "leave" argument.
I was seriously questioning myself where am I wrong since so many people on the internet seems to claim that britain finally got out of a terrible dictatorship...I just can't understand, really. Back in the days, the internet used to be a place where everyone had a say and false theories were like immediately debunked. It would be enough to google "kalergi plan" to see the idiocies (and subsequently the hordes of people ready to "believe") the internet can produce.
After all, if just one blatant lie was enough to justify a war in Iraq, a mix of blatant lies would do anything.
Marston VC wrote:
But politics is a bad thing to talk about on the forums guys. I'm almost positive it's against the rules.
I agree, but since there's nothing else to talk about this game or future ones...