With an influx of mature players IGÇÖve had the pleasure of meeting within my time on the Beta (Both in Game and forum), I begin to wonder if maybe us as Beta Testers should form our own Alliance Or Corp Pre-game Launch?
We are entering a game Universe that has been established for going on Ten years now, filled with players that have been playing it for almost just as long. They are very organized and very cunning individuals that have created Alliances well in the thousands, and have made statements about DUST such as GÇ£Yawn! Our interest in dust is minimal. I don't care about it, IGÇÖm sure the other guys don't either.GÇ¥ such as my post
FPS Players are DUMB![Idea](https://forums.dust514.com/Images/Emoticons/ccp_idea.png)
I propose we take the time to talk, Merc to Merc. Lets lay out some ideas and collaborate here. Leaders of both Clans and Corporations and any Merc out looking for a cause should post here. So how about just giving it a try?
Corp: Zion TCD (Tactical Combat and Defense)
Reset Alliance
NDA LINK HERE Please read if you have not.
PSN Tag ZionShad
[email protected]Skype: ZionShad
Member roster and Affiliates (Will be posted tell 7-4-12 then moved to Blog):Czort6 - BURRITO_BANDITO_ - Hauptmann103 - theSANDWHICHman - Discohugworm CLDHD_HOMESTEADY - CanisDeus - god6is6a6fraud - Cynical68 - Sha_Kharn - Flexo735 gold1617 - thewalkingkane - BasemanHolgi - raverx3x - EagleOfYggdrasil - EffortEater MorleyGP - zer0cool540 - eyes_wired - Mythrilknite - Supremecom - valen80 - skorpion352 - IISoLiDuZII - OCD33 - MAKALU_01 - Tony-Trollolol - newky79 - Illuminaughty78 - Youknowutimsayin
HRH_DrD - Mista_BG - Freeman_Fighter - Public_Stylzz - Xialaix - Mr_DodgyGuts - Max0146 - arkadyfolkner
Psychosious - srbldzr - killbot-xD - Furrow - Vertibird - DreamersParady - warlord2e3 - MollyFlogger86
kuso_atama - XANDERBEE - ExPresident - sonofbogit - Grimmsaibot - frosty24 - DrizzCat - magicskull
jackdanielsnu7 - lostkozz - bio-gwar - KermitDFrag - ClashOfBullets - Levidicous - Dirkpitt02 - FirePhantom64
Auratorikal - Yelzah_802 - Vitalblast - Bezuglinator - IIn3wII_NuMb3rZ - Anticitizen2501 sgtsweetz923 - noost71 - Venomous47 - DESHALECOWENEY - TheShivShiv - darkz19840505 - gozz45boss
JB-FTW1 - Roy669 - xX-Neo160-Xx - JSD1982
Soon to be Added:NuncStansSoldier
FPS Clans and EVE Corps Commeted:FoxHound (BF3) Death Squad (BF3)
The SHADow Alliance:This information is not yet disclosed but can say member count is between 100-1000)