Mobius Wyvern wrote:mollerz wrote:yea.. watching a thousand little bits fight **** out in slow motion is super duper immersive

SC will have hundreds of players that can cross over between instances while you are FPS in the ship, FPS boarding ships, planetary landings.. etc. I mean the battles in SC will make eve look like the ancient POS it is.
yay.. you can watch the price of something go up a few ticks after 2000 neckbeards salivate over their slow mo spreadsheet battle. Even funner when you get the odd neckbeard rage quit caught on teamspeak.
Basically, Eve is what it is. If you like it, more power to you.
CIG is way > than CCP ever ever will be. Chris Roberts is even multitudes > Helmar.
****, Eve will be lucky to be in business in 5 years. They have a fragmented game world- Eve, some possible FPS after dust has already failed super hard, valkyrie, gunjack or whatever. All separate products that have no bearing on each other. And they all kind of suck or have sucked or will suck especially when competition comes to bear. They will get caught with their pants down, and that is easy to see form even this far out.
SC has it all in one universe. I know people think the battles are going to be small.. but that is a lack of understanding of how they've developed instancing.
No, they're going to be small.
I backed the game, but I also read their realistic predictions of what the game will offer, and so far that is ~100 players per instance, not even counting ships.
Chris Roberts himself said he doesn't consider his game an EVE-killer and that he wouldn't want that anyway because he's been a long-time fan of EVE, same as he is of Elite: Dangerous. Just as some examples, players will have no economic influence and will not be able to hold territory in the game. As well, in the core areas of the game you will have a slider that you can set to remove all chance of encountering other players which a large portion of the community intends on using.
Like I said, I've backed Star Citizen to the tune of around $90+ l, but you need to be realistic about your expectations.
well.. see you must have missed out on how instances work and how they will be handled. Will they have 2000 player battles.. sure. but it will work like this- sections of "space" will be dynamically carved up based on location and a player amount...
Here is the hug player battle
[instance 1 = certain amount of players/ships in a dynamically created space] right next to it [instance number 2 = certain amount of players/ships] and ships can move between the two instances. if an instance gets too large it can dynamically split or merge as it happens. And this can go on for many many instances across vast aspects of space.
Much like time dilation is used as a trick to accommodate a lot of players.. instances will provide a seamless illusion of large battles. Of course you will be able to be a carebear that never runs into another player and stays out of PVP altogether. But most will not. Org battles won't be about that. etc.
CR is notoriously kind about other products and makes sure to say he isn't competing and everyone has their own place.. but that's obvious. Someone in his position would never be dumb enough to say hay.. I'm developing a product that is going to take a few more years to code.. so just know I am gunning for you. lol.. cmon man. It's obvious both are space games. both vie in the sim genre. It's obvious they are going to be competing. At any rate, even when SC cripples Eve CR will be gracious. You can bank on that.
"Realistic about expectations" is true. But I am just talking about the tech they are developing. don't let the old fogey crowd over at the SC forums brow beat you into thinking any crumb of accomplishment on CIGs part is something to be grateful for.. lol. That crowd and their "expectation tempering" philosophy is born of weird ignorance and an equally weird self imposed social faux pas to basically just grasp SC's development.. which isn't hard at all if you go over the info they freely give and look at the tech they are creating along with a
healthy dose of understanding it.
as for the player influence on the economy.. lol.. like Eve really has some super compelling aspect of that.. I mean maybe if you like accounting.. and embroidery and other equally mundane tasks. I get it.. some people are really into it. Myself, being the bastard

I am, really put more stock into seamless FPS, ship battles, PG created universe, etc. I'll also take a carefully crafted NPC economy vs the Eve one. It is really not that impressive.