I am super psychology. But you did not explode as much as i expected. Now, i am going to be a narcissistic fuckboy and post so i can wiggle my dingus around like a helicopter because it pleases me. Bask in the glory of the dinguscopter!
Tendril Pulvereyes wrote:XxBlazikenxX wrote:And all I see is a salty PC wannabe who can talk the talk, but can't walk the walk.
You mean like you were over at VF? One of the many reasons VF flopped (which you even clicked like on my posts on why it flopped in corp forum there) was because of people like you, vahzz, sir raven, etc. who don't even have 1 role 100% full proto including ewar, etc., with director roles. Who did nothing for corp and didn't belong in the PCs. Then once in PC did nothing. You talk about PC wannabes when you're exactly that.
This. I did not see this the first time around.

Omg, you are hilarious. Look at you, talking out your ass like you did **** at all. All you did, was make a list. All you did was make a list of everyone's proto, which i had and still have. You did nothing whatsoever to help the corp progress. Mopp was the one who carried VF on his back. I only PC'd a couple of times, all of which i went positive. Though, i did not top the leaderboards. I will tell you all of my scores. 15 kills every game as a heavy, not a lot. The deaths ranged from 4 and 5 still too many deaths, but it is great when you had not one ******* logi on your back. I had Mopp on my back once, but then he got assigned to another heavy. Don't worry, i am not making excuses for my obvious lackluster abilities. I am just correcting your pathetic pisspoor accusations and assmouth words.
Now, i can't speak for Blaze, because i could give a flying **** what he does. He gobbles more dicks than zor and has more donks up his butt than axis. But he did more than you. You left the VF train when you poor feelings got hurt because somebody said something to you wrong. You was not even there when we got stabbed in the motherfucking back by some degraded ass kisser, sold us out in our moment of weakness when Headstrong left, underminded our director roles, spit in our coffee and pissed in our soup. No, you got your butt wet and bitched and moaned. You was my favorite. Kind of. At least you didn't make a speech every freaking hour.
I should've left when Al did, but that was my mistake. Raven was right, we moved onto greener pastures. Now, I know you are not going to respond, you are to much of a whiney little baby to do that. Even if you do respond, all i see you doing is pulling more **** out of your ass and try to fling it. But you have nothing on me. Call me a scrub? I am one. Attack my poor kdr? It is 0.60 just so you know, i don't know how much kills or deaths, i don't keep track and i am too lazy to look. What are you gonna say? That i am just a troll? Well, I am a troll. I am also insane. I am also hated. I am also loved. I am also an annoying little ****.
What are you? You are a pathetic, coddle jockey. That means you ride the donks. Though, not as much as Blaze. Look at his ass. 1 day in AE and he already acted like a ******* big shot. A week and he was waving his dingus around. He is just a Cp slave. Then he got his poor feelings hurt because roner kicked him. Now he is back in AE and is already waving his dingus around. I find it absolutely hilarious. Blaze, Tendril, i dare you to reply to me. I ******* dare you. And please, don't just pull a cop out like zor and say "Oh, oh, you just scrub man, be valuable, i kickey you ass! I iz god!" Be disrespectful. Give me some grade A war room **** throwing. You intolerable, knucklefucking, bitchboys who are only good at coddling the jocks of the higher ups, not even good enough to blast star on Marauder or Roner. Show me your pub scores, you little zors, show me your pc scores you mighty big boys. Waving that dingus like it is nobodies business! Yee haw! It won't change a thing. You are all just like me. You are all crazy, only you won't admit it. You have to keep pretending that you matter. Like all of this really matters. When really, it is all just a monstrous, demented gag. Just an awful joke.
And so ends my little ramble. I hope i was narcissistic enough for you. If not, i am awesomez omg like totes yea! You did roast Blaze, but your attempt to attack me and Raven was pisspoor, pathetic, unoriginal, you didn't even get your facts straight. Go back to cuddle time with all the little butt buddies. I hope you try to do anything to me. I hope any of you try to step to me. Come at me bitches, you can't lay a ******* finger on me.