Hmm. This topic is perpetual. And I've responded each time with the same opinion, even though the opinion sounds harsh and hurtful (especially to new players,GǪI'm sorry).
But my opinion stays the same.
Dust is SUCH a hard and different sort of game than what you play in the fps world out there. It's maps are well-made for making players vulnerable to sniper-players, getting players isolated and cut off when they were honestly trying to stick with the group, and letting the enemy players spot you long before you spot them.
SITUATION AWARENESS is something corny that we talk about in other games. In Dust, it's not corn. It's the dying truth. WAITING, before you spawn somewhere on the map, STUDYING what's changed in the overhead map in between getting killed and spawning back into the fight, MOVING QUICKLY away from the blue staging area after you spawn thereGǪ these are all lessons new players need to learn. You NEED to learn them,GǪ this is not rubbish, not some elite-soldier hype talk.
REDLINING is the punishment that comes to players who DON'T learn the lessons I listed above, and DON'T learn Situation Awareness. Players shouldn't really ask for re-adjsuting of the map or installations to "help" protect them from redlining. Redlining is something YOU bring on yourself. (

, yes, I did say the opinion sounds hurtful).
I don't EVER get redlined. I am a very poor shooter, with low marksmanshipGǪ but I have the knowhow NOT to get redlined (even when I see other blues literally lining up to be a hot-lunch, and there's little I can do to pull you Newberrys out from that spot you're loitering at!).
I got redlined ONCE or TWICE back in 2013, hated it---it's more humiliating than even that famous farmhouse-redline you get in CoD3 (you know the one I mean). So I learned to pay attention around the blue staging area, and never again wait around to get redlined.
Redlining should stay in the game, and victims should not be assisted out of it.
It is one of the few things in Dust that YOU the victim control all yourself. You're not aware of the fact that you cause it, not aware of how to move clear when you see other blues inviting it to happen any minute now. You repeatedly fail to be "AWARE" of much of anything in your matches. Awareness is the thing that permanently keeps you out of the next redline event... and getting "awareness" in the game is all in YOUR.
You gotta get it. It's not hard. There are players on chat channels and chance-meetings who will help give you pointers. You run with them for a while, and you get the knack.
And after that, you'll LAUGH at the subject of Redlines. Or, you'll pass on your awareness skill to others