Silver Strike44
Posted - 2014.12.23 09:15:00 -
[1] - Quote
The gang has just defeated a Latino army. Since Big D's ADS was destroyed, they are stranded on Bosena.
Thunder: Well, what do we do now?
Devin: We stay alive and protect the REs until GHL sends us help.
Big D: Not to sound white, but where are the REs?
Thunder: Harry has them.
Harry: Yep. They are stuck up my bum.
Skel: You aren't serious, are you, fgt?
Harry: Of course I'm kidding. My magic stick is up my bum. I have no idea where the REs are.
Myth: Bruh.
Thunder: What happened to them?
Harry: **** if I know.
Devin: Well, this is just great. If we don't find those REs then this mission was for nothing. Nothing except slaughtering Minmatar scum.
Patrick: It's getting dark, guys. We should set up camp.
Skel: Alright, fgts, start setting up camp in that. We'll find the REs in the morning.
The gang sets up their camp. Night falls. Devin and Thunder take watch. Myth goes to answer nature's call.
Thunder: You ever notice that some of these guys we roll with are idiots?
Devin: You mean Harry?
Thunder: Yeah.
Devin: So, what happened to Ken?
Thunder: Harry.
Devin: Figures.
Thunder: What happened with you guys?
Devin: I destroyed a Minmatar village and killed everyone in it. That's about it. Patrick didn't like it too much, though. I don't know what to do with him if he isn't willing to kill Minmatar garbage.
Thunder: I don't know, dude.
Myth is heard shouting in the distance.
Myth: Bruh! Bruh!!
Devin: Everybody up. Myth is in trouble.
The gang runs toward where Myth was shouting from. He is nowhere to be found. There is a trail of rust leading back into the jungle.
Devin: The ****ing Minmatar took him. Come on.
Patrick: Wait. It could be a trap.
Devin: You just don't want to kill those Minmatar scumbags.
Patrick: Of course I don't. It could still be a trap though.
Thunder: Patrick, they took Myth. We have to go after them.
Skel: We're wasting precious seconds, fgts.
Harry: I bet my seconds are more precious than yours.
Devin: Shut up, Harry. Patrick, you stay at the camp. You're benched. Everyone else, follow me.
Patrick: No, I've been benched way too many times before.
Thunder: That's because you're a ****ing scrub, dude. Just go.
Patrick reluctantly returns to the camp. The rest of the gang follows the trail.
Big D: I see them. Over there.
The gang hides in some bushes and scope out the Minmatar camp. They see Myth duct taped to a pole being carried towards a fire.
Skel: Those fgts are going to eat that fgt.
Devin: Alright, we have to make this quick. Thunder, Big D, and I will go left. Skel, you will go right with Harry.
Harry: Yay!
Skel: Not a ****ing chance. That fgt will get me killed. I'm going alone.
Skel backtracks back into the jungle. The gang can no longer see him.
Devin: Okay, Thunder and I will go left. Big D and Harry will go right. Go!
They attack the camp from two sides and begin killing the Minmatar. Myth is taken into the largest hut in the camp.
Devin: You two go after Myth. Thunder and I will hold them off.
Big D and Harry follow the Minmatar carrying Myth into the hut. Devin and Thunder keep fighting outside the hut.
Thunder: Devin, if we don't make it--
Devin: We'll make it. I'm not letting a living wad of rust and duct tape take us down.
Thunder: There are too many. We can't take on all of them.
Devin: We can at least lead them away.
Devin and Thunder run into the jungle. The Minmatar follow them. Devin and Thunder arrive back at their camp.
Thunder: Patrick, you're going to have to warm the bench some other time. We're being chased again.
The three of them run until they reach a scrapyard at the base of a cliff. There is nowhere else to run.
Devin: We're going to have to fight them off here. Find some cover.
Patrick: Here they come!
They return fire for a while.
Thunder: I'm almost out.
Patrick: Me, too.
Devin: Same, but if we are this low on ammo, they must be, too. Save what you have left. When they run out of bullets, they are going to rush us. That's what these filthy creatures do.
Moments, later, the Minmatar run straight for them.
Devin: Fire!
Patrick hesitates.
Devin: What are you doing? Shoot them.
Patrick: I can't just kill them. They are defenseless.
Devin: You have to!
Thunder: I'm out.
Devin: Me, too.
One of the last Minmatar grabs Thunder.
Devin: Patrick, shoot him!
Patrick hesitates once again. Skel shoots the Minmatar holding Thunder in the back just before he snaps his neck. Skel then finishes off the few remaining Minmatar. Devin, Thunder, and Skel start heading back to the Minmatar camp, intending to leave Patrick.
Patrick: Guys, wait! There's one more!
Patrick raises his gun at the lone remaining Minmatar. Patrick just stands there as the Minmatar drives a piece of scrap metal through his chest. The others turn around just in time to see this. Skel guns down the Minmatar. They walk back over to Patrick. Patrick tries to speak, but no words come from his mouth, only blood.
Devin: You had to know this would happen. They are animals. They only kill. You almost let them kill Thunder. Could you have lived with that? It doesn't matter now. You wouldn't have had to either way, I suppose. Skel, let me see your gun.
Skel hands Devin his gun. Devin points it at Patrick's head. Patrick gives him a look that implies that he wants to be put out of his misery. He manages to choke something out.
Patrick: Do it.
Devin: Why should I? You couldn't.
Devin begins walking away. Thunder and Skel follow.
Devin: Nah, I'm not letting some Minmatar dog have this kill. He's mine.
Devin walks back up to Patrick one more time and caves Patrick's skull in with the butt of Skel's guns. Headshot, +60.