Ydubbs81 RND wrote:
I was referring to when NF helped AE and then when OH and FA helped AE
Yeah honestly I'd give props to Kane for those.
When NF betrayed FA it was his decision and plan to go to AE from my understanding. Kane approached AE.
This forced us into a position. Man, I already had immense respect for Kujo and -especially- Soul. There were some trash talkers that got on some nerves, but FA always respected AE for being one family, one flag....where NF was whatever best ringer they could hire...that's their team. Such a departure from TP culture of rarely if ever using ringers (unless we were seriously understaffed or wanted to recruit them...see Sponge and Revoltz). I never liked Cubs after the way we parted ways and the antagonistic ego-fueled interactions we had. (not that i'm guilt-less at all, we both **** on any real opportunity to put behind the aftermath of my decision not to return to TP after Reg went to PS4 and I took the guys I had recruited to form FA)
So I feel like Kane more that Kujo was the driver of those decisions. Unless I'm mistaken he was the driving force for allowing AE to hire them. And he was obviously the reason I was put into a position where instead of fighting AE (because they persecuted FA much the same way TP persecuted AE when they created it and because they'd been the 'top dog' since TP and indeed EoN. as a whole left the game) I was left with little choice but to help AE in leaking NF's plans to destroy AE.
The other thing that has to be considered is the situation. Would NF have sided with AE if FA didn't exist? Would AE have sided with NF if NF and FA hadn't been beating the **** out of them?
Whenever there's three powers, inevitably 2 will overpower one.
Just jealousy and pride from NF that really tore it up. (They knew we'd have matched AE isk if they'd asked...they were just butthurt about stupid **** like the fact we'd been offered contracts to take out AE for 2 billion and the allure of spiting us was something I never predicted. They can say otherwise but that's honestly how it was perceived. I was plain stupid and didn't think of the consequences of being a little **** concerning my undercutting of their district service. (See where I SERIOUSLY gave them a heart attack because FA offered to give districts away for base cost (like 50-100m) as opposed to their MUCH higher pricing (200% plus).
I know they were mad about how we were extorting them on prices for providing Eve support and then they were mad when we had 2 many fights to accomodate them (they lost to AE a few times when they didn't have Eve support...this being another small reason why I think in the long run some were concerned that helping us defeat AE would spell the end for them...as you saw how the meta rolled out in here (anyone remember Sota's "snakes on a plane" alt?) when AE and FA worked together on a separate contract to beat NF soundly on a defense on the district I gave OH to get them back into PC. (only for them to be prideful and refuse help and get kicked out of PC again for another 3 months)
I've gotten way off topic here, but suffice it to say that when there are 3 powers. 2 will inevitably work to destroy the third.
I think Kane deserves more credit personally because I remember reading in the chats so often how Cubs would come in and Kane would smooth his concerns out.
It was just FLABBERGASTING. Inexplicable.
This was the guy that stubbornly said something...and it was done. over. No more questions.
And here was Kane just setting the goals and ironing out the details like Cubs was a child.
I'm not dissing on Cubs, I'm just giving props to Kane man. The dude's meta was the best.
I never felt like I was fighting Cubs when I was meta'ing against NF...it was Kane and Fiddle and Sota man. and maybe a little Beers but I think Kane was the real deal.
SMH, Kane beat me fair and square in the metagaming.
But it was never personal. When I met Kane at FF we were pals. He bought me breakfast man.
And that made the decision to betray him absolutely
gutwrenching. For a long moment I seriously had 2nd thoughts..this isn't something anyone ever knew but maybe Ken and a few others I confided in...but w/e now you all know.
I was on a bus to the airport for the return trip and a friend there with me instructed me to betray DNS. I was so disoriented that morning (for numerous reasons)..but I never really looked back after he told me to attack them.
Wow I am going to get trolled for all the juicy **** I put in here.

Writing posts that give me nostalgia (I'd have never left and FA would never have happened if Imagio and Hightimes and Xero and everyone like the twins hadn't quit

) is like prinkles..once you pop the fun don't stop.