The Exemplars
Posted - 2014.12.04 14:09:00 -
[1] - Quote
Hey at this point I've used all of the rifles in their current state enough to provide my feedback for what it's worth. Hope it helps...
Oh and this is all based on pubs. I strongly discourage basing any balance on PC. The ACR dominates PC because its rapid fire works best in the uber-lag. I beg you not to make changes based on skewed data.
AR: Consider this. Right now the AR seems to have no role right? The BAR does everything you want it to do better. How about increasing its damage, buffing clip size and maybe ammo, and increasing its dispersion so that it becomes a fully dedicated CQC weapon. Just slide it up that line on the dmg/range graph to the left a bit. For scouts it would serve as a bridge between shotgun and BAR/ACR and beyond: more effective than the BAR/ACR close up and with more range than the SG. For Gallente Assaults it would benefit the most from their bonus, which will afford them more accuracy/range in general and smoother firing when firing out a full clip.
BAR: Seems well balanced mostly. Lots of QQ of late but it's hard to say if it's OP. QQers know how effective it is up close but it's hard for them to discern how effective it is at range. One BAR may have tore you down in CQC but what about the one that just gave you a hard tickle at range? You didn't even know what was shooting at you so it doesn't factor into your QQ. If it needs toning down I would suggest starting with increased recoil.
BuAR: Good on paper but players have no reason to use it. Increasing its range by 2 meters would make it more distinct from the BAR and bring its range closer to being in sync with its ADS zoom. Would be worth a try and somehow I don't think it will lead to BuAR QQ. Hell you have to buff something until you start hearing QQ about it.
TAR: Not sure how it performs without Gallente Assault 5, but with it the hipfire handling is buffed to the extent that it is devastating up close, great down sight, but falls off drastically well before reaching its effective range. The small clip and bigtime rate of kick increase make it really hard to finish enemies at range. For Gallente Assault this is somewhat balanced by its surprising CQC power, but that just makes it ok for them and worthless for other races. It should be ok in general and great with Gal Assault. I think a slight toning down of hipfire recoil and a bigger reduction for ADS would do the trick, along with increasing its clip size just enough so that it has a better chance to finish off targets before reloading. I'm thinking a 20% increase to 22 couldn't possibly hurt.
CR: I've just recently started using it more. It struggles against shields like ScR does with armor, but melts armor so seems to be working as intended. Seems to have a nice balance of power, range, and handling while not being OP. I sense that it's slightly UP at the moment but the smallest bump would put it right in its sweet spot. I suggest decreasing its horizontal recoil and seeing what happens.
ACR: I think the increase in dispersion went a bit too far. This may be because you nerfed it based on skewed PC data. In pubs its stopping power doesn't quite make up for its lack of range. I think a small decrease in dispersion would make a big difference.
ScR: A little too UP against heavy armor, especially Gal/Amarr sentinal, and OPness against shields doesn't pay off quite enough to make up for it. That's almost balanced out by the ScR's extreme versatility, but one thing is missing: a more balanced damage profile. +15%/-15%. The give and take of that would obviously buff the ScR. If it buffs it too much you could bump up heat buildup. I think it would be worth dealing with slight fallout to take ScR damage profile out of left field.
AScR: It's amazing in so many ways but unfortunately what it does best is hamstrung by its damage profile. With its large clip and newfound accuracy the AScR can lay down extended fire at good range. It's basically a less powerful AR with a lot more range, more accuracy, a bigger clip, and heat build up. That's really cool except that when you're ripping out a clip on a guy or a cluster of guys their shields disappear quickly but then you're just gradually shaving off armor.....and they all find cover. Maybe you did alright but someone else is getting the kill and you're less likely to use the AScR again. It finishes worse than any gun and that's too much of a drawback. My suggestion: +15%/-15%. Only damage profile can help the AScR now. |