X7 lion
Mikramurka Shock Troop Minmatar Republic
Posted - 2014.10.30 02:26:00 -
[1] - Quote
Ok so to those who know, wasnt the origonal concept prior to roughly what dust is now a game about a caldri merc or a gallenete bounty hunter or some thing & it was going to be single player? its been talked about in some old videos or some thing.
to my point, id love to see a story based game set in one of the capitals or some thing, theres so much possiblilty with eve lore to make awesome games. "but lion they dont have the development recourse to make a single player game at the moment what with legion, dust, Valkyrie, and eve online itself." <---- they should license out segments of eve lore to competent devs with some basic rules and style references ect ect & say make a game in this section of eve lore.
ill just give some examples of what kinda games could be set in the eve universe for a single player experience. a cop game set in one of the capitals for the empires or a horror game set with a group of the original clone tech with the sleepers making them go mad. a free runner, imagine mirrors edge set in a city in eve :D
Theres so much awesome that could be, but is just being left on the side lines, if only they would license out lore to a (COMPETENT!) developing house.
tell meh, what kinda game set in eve universe (single player experience) would you wana see, personally im into heavy story based stuff with good plot and character development, preferably set in the gallenete capital.
Do not contribute to malice what can be explained by ignorance.
being contradictory is not the same as being offensive.
True Adamance
Praetoriani Classiarii Templares Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris
Posted - 2014.10.30 02:33:00 -
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That's basically why people in EVE and Dust RP.... for example a couple of weeks back.
Steadyhand Amarr hosted a Horror themed RP as players raided a Blood Raider Cathedral
More recently Hunter Junko did a mystery thriller RP about our clones being made mortal due to some unknown technology and faced with a more potent foe.
Currently Galm Fae is hosting a Sci-Fi Punk RP about a Gurista's station in Tenal where players spend several days on Shoashu Sasaanko, preparing for their Pit Fights doing whatever they want.
Hell I even had True Adamance go to a strip club for the first time..... in Alycone.
GÇ£How does this all work then?GÇ¥
GÇ£Like so Choirboy.GÇ¥
- Mila to Kador, Sub Zero Club, Shoashu Sasaanko