Sorry logibros, better now and done then further down the line?! So here goes.....
You know how you sprint to the supply depot to hack it, but it's already 3 mercs hacking away....... so you see where this is going right?
Now I get it guys, I do. "The logi-train", as it has been so accurately dubbed, is a desperate response to the "assault scout"?! Many heavies and logis have found themselves fully spec'd into their dropsuits, only to be outgunned, outpaced, and getting demolished?! Scouts are OP! Assaults have gotten a buff, and now their back with a vengeance! What else are you supposed to do?
I won't batter you with what you should do to adjust because you have done that already?! You did the only thing you could do in your current situation. You won't win any PC battles..... or battles in general outside of ambush, but you will protect your wallet from the horde of OP scouts bolting around you with every weapon in the game other than heavy weapons?! (another thread coming on the scout mayhem! I got you bro!) What I will do is suggest that you get some assaults in your squad. We can help you out with the scouts now!
I propose a limit of 2 rep tools per individual repped! If you're using the rep tool you yourself can NOT be repped at the same time! Also, I propose a rep tool overheat....... ~waits for the kitchen sink to be thrown~ ........ nothing steep guys chill!
However, the practice of walking around strapped to a heavy the ENTIRE match is ridiculous?! This will make nanocircuitry more prevalent, and stop the ridiculousness of this fiasco?! If you could here us on comms as we die laughing discussing which remote to use lmao,..... but I digress.
Open to suggestions from the logistics community, and that's what I love about the forums, but this practice of following some dude around like a prison girlfriend is...... well anyway something has to give.
I would suggest an overheat, and rep tool limit over everything else. A good logi can work with this if he is a skilled shooter-logi! He can gun just fine, but when needed can rep his mates while managing overheat! He should use nanohives and nanite injectors as well if he intends to work with his heavy counterparts.
SIDE NOTE: I am also advocating for all equipment to be capable of being fluxed! YES ALL! Scanners, rep tools, and CLOAKS! Cloaks especially, since currently they have NO COUNTER whatsoever?! I would suggest different levels are effected differently too i.e.:
You need proto flux grenades to flux proto tools, for example. So no one can just mass basic flux grenades to uncover all cloaks, and proto cloaks recharge quicker from being fluxed than basic cloaks. This would force those tanked basic gal scouts to actually know what a profile dampening mod is?! Scouts will have to use the mods as they were intended again. (I also believe scanners, at proto level, should scan basic cloaked scouts with no dampening mods or skill, but that's again another thread.) We won't rag scouts here just yet. They know they are OP.
Overheat for rep tools should be over time. Nothing crazy, and higher lvl gear should be able to stand up better in really tough situations. The same way a scanner has to charge back up is the same way a rep tool should have to cool back down.... but with a slower build up. It should also be able to be fluxed when out ( level specific for flux grenade and rep tool). Scanners, once fluxed and depending on the level, should be immobilized for a period of time(depending on the level). If they are deployed though is the catch. If you are fluxed while using a scanner it should be immobilized, and it's internal engines should have to repair and recharge the tool. It should also have a spool up time resembling the rail rifle. This should also be effective per level. This takes away the "I got a basic scanner so I can scan all cloaked scouts" theory?! No guy! You need a proto scanner you cheap turd?! However, if the tool isn't deployed, scanner or rep tool, it should operate just fine after the user is fluxed. Just like nanohives! (Keep the snapshot effect of the the scan radius it works)
Remember were here to find a balance between roles! All ideas, cutsheets, and opinions welcome! I would love to hear what "sensible" ideas or thoughts you guys have on this?