Long Evity wrote:Egypt Musk wrote:wow your going way back then i havent been a sniper since july? so under 10 mill sp
sorry a few of my conquests stick out in my mind the first stb district i took was the first set of battles i fc'd
the squad cup
the Southern legion anon war
flipping 2 dark legion districts
OH being the cattleist that finally sunk anon
helping my boys in 3rd day keep the land from era for over a month of constant attacks
kickin it with fire2myblunt watching dust die
and my last pc attacks realistically all that will stay in mind as dust inventively fade into long term memmry
Lol, pretending you weren't carried.
And what's with this credit for district flipping? You one manned 16 people? lol
You're only good for stealing peoples money. Don't pretend otherwise.

The one who actually robbed the anon wallet was Preston D2 under State property's influence. When it happened I wasn't even in anon anymore I had dropped my tags. nor did i see a cent of the money from the wallet or the districts he sold off most of anons a team did ... and roofer lol <3.Dust bunnies love to pla telephone
I kept the unkown killers wallet because i was the rightful ceo of unknown killers and it was at my discretion what to do with it when it came time to disband and im a greedy **** just like anyone that was in a blue doughnut at anytime lol. Don't act like you wouldn't have done the same Trapper took 4 billion from the anon wallet when he left theres a huge list of other ceo's that did the same
I did give alot of that isk out over the sceond half of my time is dust ask around the rebellion.
If The members of anon who donated to the unknown killers war fund under my regime regretted donating thats on them I gave my guys a **** tonn of pc for there tax dollars and it was the only reason I took the roll cause I wanted to play organized competitive games every night.
At the time we were so active we could have been self sustainable at 10% tax instead some of the the guys from anon opted to donate to help keep the taxes low and because we all fought as a 2nd team under unknown killers.
@t no point did I win a battle alone it was allways as a team (I'm generally a middle of the pack scrub) ... that usually worked like a well olled machine and needed minimal fcing we all knew our jobs and we did them *shurgs*
I did however once 1 v 16 OH ... it turned into 1 v 15 tho cause i got connects yo lol.
game 2 was like 5 v 14 or something.
I could have hired ringers but I had 2.6 billion isk or something stupid because of my district I was never going to go broke.
That's not a RP that's my story bro and it is what it is .
Most of my battles were not on the battle field it was in the leadership chats and intel meetings ask Rolland from the rising suns.
You jelly people still talk about me to this day and i haven't played more than 10 games in 2 months.
Troll warmonger billionaire Scrub achieved.
BTW long live destiny and PS2