Bat Shard0
Stardust Incorporation IMMORTAL REGIME
Posted - 2014.05.17 13:22:00 -
[1] - Quote
I am entering the game.
I find myself in station orbiting planet in Caldari Prime. The planet below is temperate and even from orbit you can see several billion people live down there. I spend 2 days on that planet drinking and chatting (not only) with lovely exotic dancers. But I am bored. And .... I have a plan.
After I pay for station services I clonejump in deep 0.0 space in Fountain Region. Now I am in YZ-LQL. At the moment Fountain region is controlled by ******** pilots from 2 corporations - Fatal Ascension(FA) and Li3 Federation (L3F). The native pirat faction is Serpentis - Strong, galente-based ships.
2 mins after clonejump I deal with side effects of long distance mindtransfering. And the person I am looking for find me in my apartment. His name is Mahavir, leader of GANG BANG TEAM, small in numbers, but strong in skills Alliance of serveral PvP corporations. And his own corporations is Brutal Genesis - the name tell you everithing.
- Hey Mahavir, whazz up bro.... - You are late Bat, the operation is about to begin!! - Don't worry, My guys know what they doing. - I hope so.... lets go
I follow him to the docks. His ships was Panther, a black ops class battleship. Before he enter he told me - "Go in 14YI-D". I go to the mind transfer room, enter the system and start searching. 30 seconds later I find what I am looking for. A weak but stable signal with the right code. I press the transfer button and 10 seconds later I find myself next to someone in caldari assault dropsuit. It was My first lieutenant.
- Hey Bat, you have good times in Caldari prime? - Yeah - I say - How the operation is going on? - We don't find any hostiles and just starting to deploy the base. - Nice! Lets go down there - We still don't have droplink on the surface. - We going with my Python!
It takes less than 2 minutes to go from command room to dock on a cloacking war barge. That type of vessel is small and defenseless, but its cloacking ability make it perfect for deploying base on the ground without any space pilot find you if he didn't have the right codes. As we walking trough the corridor I have time to read base data for the moon
System - 14YI-D Planet 1 - moon 1
Density1182.38 g/cm-¦ Eccentricity0.138 Escape Velocity0.289 km/s Mass Dust2.213e+20 kg Mass Gas23,972,700,000 kg Orbit Period0.222 days Orbit Radius59,977,700 km PressureVery low Radius355 km Surface Gravity0.117 m/s-¦ Temperature166.04 K
Resources Atmospheric Gases Titanium Promethium
Hostile peace of rock with only one significant advantage - Promethium One of the rarest minerals in the universe.
I get in my pilot dropsuit, enter my python and tell to the lieutenant to get in. - Are you sure Bat? We have clones but only few pythons. - Enjoy it- I said and press the launch button.
Assault dropships are magnificent vehicles. They are designed to be fast, manoeuvrable and deadly. But are not designed to come from orbit. Without termal shield like RDVs thay shall burn in 10 seconds when entering the atmosphere. But that rock has close to zero atmosphere...and I was did that before. I just left the dropship to go down as a rock until keeping one eye on the alt meter and the other on the signal from my ground base. 3 min later I was 20 meters over the ground base.
- Sir, we need approximate 40 min to finish base deployment and online the defence turrets and drones. - Ok - I say - Tell me where is the Promethium deposits? - Just after that hill - less than 2 kilometers
45 seconds and I was over the place. A FA corp driling infrastructure was deployed and drilling constantly the valuable promethium.
- It is the drilling platform put here right from space. The FA POS is on orbit above and its harvester cannot work without that platform.
I put my dropship scanner on. I find no enemy mercs, but significant amount of drones in sleep mode.
- Stay away if you don't want to wake them up - the voice in coms say - They wake when you enter its perimeter. - Its time to speak with Mahavir, lieutenant....
2 mins later
- Mahavir, we shall be ready to engage in 20 min - I say - Bat, you should do it now. My fleet just begun shooting the POS and FA shall not have time to care about the ground problems. - Ok - I say and switch to different channel - lieutenant, how many soldiers we have ready? - 9 with you. Also 34 mercs are availabe for hiring in that region. - Put one man to finish the base deployment, tell others to be ready in 90 seconds. I want 2 tanks and rest in my dropship
20 minutes later
- Mahavir, how POS shooting is going. - It is about to enter reinforce mode Bat. You probably shall have 36 hours to mine unsuspected. They will defend their POS and after try to reconect the POS harvester. And when they failure will find your base. Than you can expect enemies. - Roger that, We start deploying our own harvester
1 hour later we deploy our own harvester and start drilling the promethium. 70 units per hour. For that 36 hours we can expect over 2500 units. It means approximate 75 millions just for the promethium. And more than 20 milions from the loot till now. Not bad for a small corp.
- Bat, our war barge scanner just find that 40 kilometers from here we have at least 2 structures, initially recognized as small serpentis interceptors factories and titanium drilling platform. - Get in the dropships guys!
The day start looking even better..
Sorry for my bad English. I hope you catch my idea