So it seems that there is a problem with double damage modded tanks as well as hardened ones as well .
I don't care about the reapers because with constant pressure that can be solved but these double and triple damage modded and hardened tanks are an issue .
So those of you who do so believe that you are experienced tankers and that your kills count for something but I'm here to tell you that your time is coming and I really don't like to name call but YOU SCRUBS are going to get exactly what you deserve once CCP finally pays some attention to this and those OP'd as hell rail guns .
No real charge time ( like pre 1.7 ) which leaves it at full auto basically which can allow one to crush opponents before one can even begin to overheat .
You killed the blasters and the overheat like crazy , it was like you reversed mechanics of the two large turrets .
Range on the rail guns can cover most maps and couple that with the double and triple damage modded , no charge timed ... no overheated turret and you have instant crutch written all over it .
I really didn't know that this was a problem until it happened to me . I read the forums yes but I have yet to come across it personally until today .
Scrubs .
No skills .
Killing the role and the reason for most of the tank qqing that's going on in the forums . You and those red-line tanks that , once this is done will have their crutch kicked out from under them as well .
It doesn't take skill to place two or three damage mods or hardeners on a tank and get lots of kills and make lots of war points but I tell you that now I know your secret and once CCP finally gives this issue the attention that it deserves , I will be right there waiting for you to show you some " Real " tank skills and also I might just shove some swarm salvo's where the sun doesn't shine .
I can't wait .
Hurry CCP and kick the crutch from the arms of these " tankers " who really are tank scrubs . Then we will all see what kind of real skills that you have .
I can do the same thing but why , when I know that's just like padding one's KDR .
It was a problem with infantry . I bet those players are now feeling the difference now that they can not hip fire and kill whatever is in their sight . Twitch shooting scrubs just like these " tankers " .
Come on CCP . I'm shining and polishing up my large turrets , tanks and swarmer's in anticipation of the event .
You stated that you were trying to get that hot fix in place by this weekend or the next and I hope that it involves a solution to this issue , the issue of these scrubs maskquerading as " real tankers ".
I can't wait and if CCP does the right thing

then this is going to be a beautiful moment .