" CHECHOMAN " , Initial Gallente race .
I have 5 prototype suits and five prototype weapons, still my record in the uprising of 1.7 50-0
http://www.subirimagenes.net/i/140223092022729879.jpg assault , No team, no orbitals, and not revived me . Ratio of assault alone, more than 6 month ...

. Besides pro tanks and ships .
costumes :
- Sentinel ak.0 pro
- Logistics gk.0 pro
For features and aurum ( long stock );
- Logistics ak.0 pro
- Logistics ck.0 pro
- Combat ck.0 pro
weapons ;
- Besides the heavy machine gun
Prototype weapons and their domains ;
- Sniper
- Forging
- Assault rifle
- Rifle inhibitor
- Gauss Rifle
team ;
- Scanner prototype (level 5 )
- Nanocolmenas (level 5 )
- Skip links (level 5 )
- Revive skewer (level 3 )
- Explosives remote and proximity
Other Skills ;
- Electronics and engineering to level 5
- Passive and active levels of shield and armor to level 5
- 10% damage expanders
- Several levels of the emissions referred jumpsuit
- And some more skill
- Free Saga
- Early and advanced tanks gunloghi and madrugar
- Advanced ships

I have two other clones ... one more tanker pro sp 10.000.000 and other assault craft pro ...
I offer corporations pro , I guarantee offer and 20% of a corporate battle , making me by friend or enemy point ( closest to your cmm ) , what you spend on corporate battle is on me like a normal game .
Experience ; gac , grupo de asalto chacal " Group jackal assault " ( veteran, corporate battles and some Comande ) , CEO of Megacorp , comprising the best players 7 Hispanic corppraciones ( when I was organized , I discussed 2 roommates and desizo ) , I'm currently CEO of a corporation exclusively new Hispanic players, Locate them and uniting them in the corporation ( playing alone ) , receiving them , and teaching them the basics uniting them , this game and enjoy it , because they are based on , so this game will last.
Offer , seriousness, discreccion between the corporation and discipline; definitely want to be part of a pro corporation and offer my best thanks . I have no problem if I am required tests to see me play .
I am Spanish, spoken English skills and writing medium.
Please corporations interested only directors and ceo 's, answered by this route , and only one of them , thanks.
