Due to massive tank spam here's A-Z guide how to kill pilots and their precious tanks:
by AV Granade * force squad to group up. All should have av granades if it's armor tank, mixed av granades with fluxes
against shield one.
* if it's shield one hold fluxes little bit and throw hot potato. Others should throw Av G second after You.
* use anything that can make you invisible like terrain or core skills like dampening.
by Forge Gun * don't run alone, try to spawn on any hill or tower. Ask for any logi help with drop links and nades,
* have eyes open wide, try to figure out how tank is moving, most of them use very few roads. If You see any
other person who try to kill it check can You make him surprise when tank will try to hold back,
* if there is no any good link that will spawn you on safe position group with infantry even if they going to
different place than tank, scrub will come back I'm pretty sure
* aim for their back. It gives more damage bonus
* granades/fluxes first, forge after
by Swarms * same as Forge Gun, avoid open terrain, try to group with infantry that will cover your ass
* same as Forge Gun first goes granades/fluxes, than swarms
* after target is locked You don't need to fire them while watching his direction, use terrain to hide and fire
them to the sky or left/right
* make 2 same fits: one with av G, second with fluxes, even if you will got fluxes against armor type throw
that on him. It will prevent his shield from recharging and your rockets will hit him with full damages
without any negative damage penalties
* dampners are fine until you fire first wave. After it you are like Christmas Tree
by Remotes / Proximity * use proximity mixed with remotes on roads and entrances to city. Proximity got lower dmg but they will
activate remotes when anything will drive thru them. So there is no problem with remotes activation,
* avoid own infantry if you got dampners, use terrain to sneak behind him
* first cover him by Remotes, granades/fluxes before remotes activation ( watch out! If av G will hit near
remotes you can kill yourself by blast radius )
* don't rush with remotes activation. If tanker don't realize that you are there throw nades and put that 1-2
remotes more
* remember remotes can stick to any vehicle
* be really carefull during Fractional Warfare. Proximity and remotes got hudge blast radius. Avoid TK.
by LAV (greetings all jihadinians

* call in Lav, cover him with Remotes, change fit to anything that cost as close to 0 Isk as possible. Hunt tank.
Avoid head to head situation. Best result is when You hit him with high speed in front or back
* if you or anybody from your team has BPO Lav ask him to spam them near safe supply depot, remember
that you don't need to be driver, cover your friends lav and wait for activation signal
* if your lav is covered and you need to open map to find tank leave car and step few metres away
by Dropship * if you fly good or got good pilot on Your side just hunt him with missiles. Nothing more to explain
* banzai dropship. Only for people with balls. Cover somebody's dropship with remotes and wait for his
signal to detonate them. I saw it only few times. My mates check it. Pilot must direct hit or fly very close
* banzai dropship ver.2 - well let's just say that your determination is so high that you don't care about
any costs. Cover your own dropship with remotes and change fit to cheapest one with av G. If you are not
good pilot don't leave before hit. After practice leave it when there will be few metres to target and AV G
him if he will survive hit
* share info with others, you got best view
* don't banzai like that during FW
by other tank * I know that there are people with antitalent for vehicles (like me), will not post how to counter other
tank with standard way. Instead you can throw our lovely remotes on somebody's tank or ask to cover yours
and use it as hammer. Remotes + tank's hit power + any turret dmg should help.
* don't use it in FW
More useful tips:
* if you are infantry without any AV weapon or eq stick to swarms/forge. They sacrifice for You too.
* shoot tank with any weapon if there are no reds around. You can gain assist points or even kill. When
lot people are shooting at one tank it can confuse him so he won't know from where real dmg is coming from
* if you see Duna 6 tank squad in ambush just leave game. If they will spend few hours playing with nobody
without good isk reward maybe they will start thinking what they are doing
* if you are logi use drop links and nades on places where you can easy cover from tanks and make defend
Hope it will help. Please all fill gaps. If you know any other tactics share it here with rest.