after getting a double espresso I'm now sitting at a typewriter from 1986 responding on Cubs behalf. I hope he doesn't find a 'home stenographer' (the guy is infatuated with midgets)
ok back to work
From the desk of Cubs:
1.) "What I love about all of this is people who have absolutely ZERO vested interest in PFC seem to be the most vocal... go figure Zatara offering his opinion and thoughts, which change as fast as Rampage's relationship 'status' on Facebook.
My secretary is complaining of carpal tunnel syndrome, so I'll make this short(er)
Corps on PFC that want to hire FA to defend instead of abide by the terms the PFC community themselves are in charge of, by all means do so.Don't mind me, if we're so easy to defeat then you won't mind smashing us over and over. Meta meta meta
Just make sure you do NOT pay up front. Pay for them actually fulfilling their end of the deal.
Nope, contracts will be paid win or loss 3 mill per.
Zatara you chose to go the 'empire' route and have a stance. NF remains neutral mercenaries and play for who pays. All personal feelings thrown out the window.Same with us. They pay we play.
Fun Fact: you have already lost a number of clients due to your inability to fulfill contracts. Meta meta meta meta bullshit. FACT: Cubs has lost Numerous contracts because of FA, and Kane felt the need to strongarm FA into an operation to coordinate pricing...LOL.
Let me be even more simple: You haven't come close to beating us. Outer Heaven (respect) puts up a stronger fight than you. I'd wager you joined PD just so you wouldn't be embarrassed by STB, but that's just a personal opinion.I actually don't care to stroke E-peen, but suffice it to say if OH got smacked by AE and FA has become quite competitive with AE then yeah I'd say we're gonna be just fine. We played OH recently. It was fun times.
I'm sure NF loves that they beat us on some clone packs, congrats. We played once on a district with each side having clones. NF won. We lost for WTF, they had OB support. GG. But if you wanna stroke e-peen and say FA can't compete. Lol.
KEQ shut down FA. KEQ held the MCC lead and while yes you got cloned and killed more clones than them, you still LOST (cant hack points camping on catwalks the whole match...FACT).
Keq lost the next match to FA. on a clone pack. Sure we lost on a clone pack to KEQ + 6 NF. It was a loss, we kept clones even (I have the pics we won on clone count but couldn't win MCC with 120 vs the 4 heavies in bravo with 0 on our team) Logistical issue on my part. GG
NF faced OH last night, who, from my Firsthand experience, is currently stronger than FA. OH lost... to a clone pack.
More bullshit comparisons. *Yawn*
I mean after all, the ONLY way NF will get to play FA is by this route. Its not like Zatara will unlock even a SINGLE district and put it on a timer when his players are actually on, to actually PROVE he should be getting contracts from corps.Yeah it's not like we didn't leave districts online for hours at a time on purpose for AE and others to attack and defended all but one successfully right?

Oh how is NF with leaving districts online if they suppose they have no threats?

They have none unlocked.
Hypocritical bullshit. Almost as funny as the fact Cubs calls anyone out for locking districts.
Fun fact:
I told Cubs to unlock the districts during the FE war to fight off the swarm without having to lock indefinitely...and he refused because he didn't want to lose districts to a zerg.
Zatara a little advice being a CEO: make a decision, and stick to it. Right or wrong stand by your decision. Your Jekyl and Hyde personality is making you look much worse than I know you to be. Be a man of your word and gain the respect of your clients and adversaries."
I'm sure you can delude yourself into thinking that we've changed from mercing out. But i've never declared anywhere to be an empire corp. We've been merc from the beginning. Never owning more than a few districts.
Cubs. OF ALL PEOPLE. Your word is the least trustworthy of anyone on the forums.

Dude you were claiming TP had only made like 10 bill back in the days of the FEC.

Lies seem to be second nature.
Cubs. Stahp being a *****. Yup. That's about it.
Isn't it about time some alts showed up.

-----------------------------end transmission-------------------
Cubs lied nuff said. Time to come p with more bullshit!