if youre so clueless to the fact that none but the other *best* corps can compete with u, then yeah, its easy to justify locking your districts, AE.
its been pointed out several times already (thx sota) that u lock your districts bc youre a bunch of greedy bastards who wont stop attacking, even tho (another thing already pointed out) u couldnt hold all your **** if it was attacked simulteanously (i think i miss-spelled that....owell

theres another thing to keep in mind here, revered geniuses of the war room. not everyone is filthy stinking rich and able to just up and get a district. youre only thinking about yourselves here. smaller, not-as-good corps (such as Chaotic-Intent) are not able to go against the grain and attack the majority land holder (RE corps) and actually *win* (*win* implies flipping a district)
my plan was to either flip or buy a district and lock it. why? so i could use those iskies for sending clone packs out like crazy. i was gonna send one at ANYONE and EVERYONE, including AE, knowing that the ass kickings were more than likely coming. why? bc this is one corp interested in getting better, and battling is the only way to do that, and the only way to get some moolah. why cant i do that, tho? why is it frowned upon to lock a district bc im just getting started and i want no part of that joke u call 'PFC'?
but i guess our timing sucks. so, here u are, sitting on your precious districts, for what? to get ccp's attention? psshhhh. youre all gawddamn liars, i say. ure sitting there bc u have been getting your asses kicked (or so ive heard) and bc ure milking those districts for everything u can b4 they change PC so that u dont earn from districts anymore (im assuming thats a change theyre making?)
sell some districts. i would buy one. i know of several other corps that u dont even know exist would buy one or two. and let them lock it. who cares? u guys are still getting fights between yourselves and other top tier corps, and once your reign ends, you will disband and reform into other corps and/or form another one. wutever. so.....why not back your claims of "caring about the community" and do something truly useful, and sell some districts to nubs like me? oh, thats right. bc youre *beast* and dont have to do anything u dont want to do. thats fine, then. just dont come on here and expect anyone to believe this nonsense. (refer to OP)
-Superhero Rawdon
Chaotic-Intent CEO