The State Protectorate
Posted - 2014.01.20 04:24:00 -
[1] - Quote
Running down the main road, coming up on null cannon Alpha, without stopping he swings around the corner laying fire into two soldiers making an attempt to contest the letter. Gunning the first down without a thought and while working on the second a sniper rifle shot goes straight though his shoulder, spinning him like a top and he lands on one knee, his left arm useless, shields down armor almost depleted. Two more hostile soldiers come running around the pillar of the table top and with his right arm raises up the rail rifle firing off head shots and screams through the comms. "Gem I got sniper fire coming from the northwest mountains above Charlie!" The soft predator clicking noises emanate over the comms as a response. As soon as he says this a second sniper round goes straight through his head. The red eye slits on the front sides of his helmet flicker off and he falls to the sand.
Laying in his rack with her. Blonde hair spilling down her shoulder, almond shaped eyes looking up to him as she kisses his chest. Their fingers interlocked while her right arm wrapped around his head, finders slowly moving through his wild brown hair and along his sideburns. "Things are gettin kinda rough, I don't think this war will be over anytime soon. Think you can take him with you?" He asks her. She closes her eyes and her mouth close to his chest murmers
"Why can't you just do something else?"
"Yeah? Like what?"
Reanimating out of the CRU at null cannon Alpha he leaps over the hill to the letter next to Junebaca. "Alright buddy with me, We're gonna move into Delta and take the area over." "You got it buddy" June replies with a nod. "Lumps, have Swava support you while you capture Charlie. Fundies I need you to camp the CRU at Charlie. I wanna clone these bastards." Lumps takes point through the middle, Swavay right behind him throwing down uplinks like breadcrumbs as they go. Fundies moving along the side shooting down enemy soldiers with effortless precision.
Squagga and Junebaca move underneath the anvil shaped building that covers null cannon Delta. The palce is quiet. Junebaca with his heavy loadout and HMG move slowly, Squagga takes his time to keep pace with his squadmate. Checking for REs Squagga looks to June "Watch my back while I hack this letter" a grunt of agknowledgement was given, it was however already understood after having worked together for so long. While hacking the letter a scout using an advanced level suit and toting a HKM 47 shotgun on his arm jumps down from the roof of the building. At this time June's back is looking towards null cannon Charlie. The most likely place for the enemy team to be comng from. Noticing the shot gunner but not too soon he turns to mow the scout down with a HK-82 HMG. June's Heavy suit takes a longer time to turn than is neccessary and Squagga gets the full shotgun blast into the back, but not before completing the hack.
Standing there in the airlock, her shuttle waiting for transport, holding the snow white cat with ice blue eyes, scars running down the right side of his face and over his left shoulder. She looks to him with wanting for him to come back to Caldari Prime with her.
"I hate goodbyes, Squag." She says
"I know, that's why I'll see you soon." Is his reply.
He reanimates at one of Swava's Uplinks, the team in full swing of terror. Junebaca having already dispatched the scout moves across mainstreet to meet up with the rest of the team. Lumps shooting down any enemies that attempt to run from the CRU to null cannon Charlie, while Swava reps his armor keeping him constantly alive. Fundies popping flaylock shots off anybody making an attempt to flee the CRU from the western side and head to null cannon Bravo. Squagga and Junebaca move in to support them. Gem Cutter firing down the Ishukone rifle, raining death from the sky. The last clone the enemy team has foolishly reanimates at the CRU. With everyone shooting at him Fundies jumps out from on top of the truck parked nearby and delivers a flaylock rocket stealing the last kill. They all turn to look at the enemy MCC. Traditionally watching it explode. It isn't very common to clone the enemy, but it is the most direct way to capture a district.
Dropships flying in to pick the team up her words ring through his head. "You could do anything, anything you wanted."
Reloading, the silent killer.