SCOPE:I was sitting at lunch the other day and decided I would do some simple calcs on the Sentinel bonuses that popped up on the Sisi server. For those of you who have not seen the data mine information yet, Aeon Amadi was kind enough to post it here: Sentinel Bonus gives resistances to certain damage types based off the race of the suit. For a review of damage types please look at this DevBlog: will attempt to determine what damage type is best for dealing with each Sentinel if these bonuses and values do indeed make it into 1.8
ASSUMPTIONS:-- Sentinel Skill assumed to be at Level V
-- GÇ£Blast DamageGÇ¥ equates to GÇ£Explosive DamageGÇ¥
-- The Minmatar Bonus has a typo and should be GÇ£2% Armor Resistance to Hybrid-Rail DamageGÇ¥ instead of GÇ£Hybrid-Blaster DamageGÇ¥. I believe that this is a typo because the written bonus does not follow the same pattern that all of the other suits follow.
--Bonuses are Multiplicative to base Shield/Armor resist/weakness values.
CALCULATION:Efficiency Rating = (Native Damage Multiplier * Skill Damage Reduction Multiplier)*100%
Example: Minmatar -15% Shield Damage from Laser Weapons
(1.2 * .85)*100%=102%
Caldari SentinelShieldsLaser = 120%
Hybrid Blasters = 96.5%
Hybrid Rail = 90%
Projectile = 85.5%
Explosive = 60%
ArmorLaser = 80%
Hybrid Blasters =90%
Hybrid Rail = 110%
Projectile = 110%
Explosive = 90%
Amarr SentinelShieldsLaser = 120%
Hybrid Blasters = 99%
Hybrid Rail = 90%
Projectile = 95%
Explosive = 60%
ArmorLaser = 80%
Hybrid Blasters =90%
Hybrid Rail = 110%
Projectile =93.5%
Explosive = 90%
Gallente SentinelShieldsLaser = 120%
Hybrid Blasters = 110%
Hybrid Rail = 90%
Projectile = 95%
Explosive = 60%
ArmorLaser = 72%
Hybrid Blasters =90%
Hybrid Rail = 99%
Projectile = 110%
Explosive = 90%
Minmatar SentinelShieldsLaser = 102%
Hybrid Blasters = 110%
Hybrid Rail = 90%
Projectile = 95%
Explosive = 60%
ArmorLaser = 80%
Hybrid Blasters =90%
Hybrid Rail = 99%
Projectile = 110%
Explosive = 90%
CaldariWith a massive pool of shield HP, explosive weapons will be essentially useless against these suit. Its shields resist nearly every damage type making it highly versatile against most weapons. However with no additional resistance against EM Damage, Laser weapons and Flux grenades will make short work of these Sentinels.
AmarrThe Amarr Sentinel is effectively a hybrid tank due to its equal pools of Shield and Armor, but it does have more focus on armor when it comes to modules. Because of this, Hybrid Rail weapons will be the best choice to take these guys down, due to the fact that they will still receive 110% efficiency against the Amarr Sentinel's armor.
GallenteThe Sentinel's natural resistance to explosive weapons is the biggest asset for the Gallente Sentinel. On top of that, Hybrid Rail and Laser weapons will have significantly reduced effectiveness. Projectile weapons are the best choice when fighting Gallente Sentinels.
MinmatarThe Minmatar Sentinel has a very even balance of resistances. It is neither highly resistant or highly weak to any particular damage type. This allows it to shield or armor tank with few downsides making them highly unpredictable. Armor Tanked Minmatar Sentinels should taken out with Projectile Weapons and Shield Tanked Minmatar Sentinels should be taken out with Hybrid Blaster weapons.
CONCLUSIONDamage specific resistances is an interesting addition to infantry combat and will add some new dynamics to combat. It is important to remember that sometimes your enemy will have the ideal fit to counter your. For example, if you try to fight a Gallente Sentinel with a Scrambler Rifle, you're gonna have a bad time. It doesn't mean that the Gallente Sentinel is overpowered, it just means that you had the wrong weapon for that particular confrontation.
As a personal opinion, I think this is a step in the right direction for Sentinels, as Heavies have been needing some much needed love and the Sentinel suits actually have a purpose now. Also remember that this report assumes that the values and bonuses found on Sisi are correct; remember that they are subject to change.
I hope you found this information useful