Ya know, every time I run across some half wit English professor wanna be EvE Mouse jockey I always think to myself..."Wow, can these guys get any more dense? I mean seriously, this guy is so thick he has his own gravitational pull. There's no way they can all be this obtuse."
And then another calculator watch wearing gaming hipster comes along up and proves me wrong. Open your books to page one chillun's cuz I'm about to take this little **** to school.
Griffter D'nan wrote:
There is a good chance that my toon is older than yours, have more SP, moreover Im probably higher on leaderboards than you. So I find that gibberish utterly funny. This whole "elitism" is just childish so give a brake. I just font say much on public, just because don't like kids with bad patronizing habits.
I probably have alts with more SP than you. If you can break 18 mill you lemme know (and I've capped ONCE in the last two months). Shouldn't be hard if you've been around since the beginning. Oh, and you don't post seldom because you're a shy, unique snowflake, but because your likely from the Affirmation-Everyone's Special-Participation Trophy generation and can't handle the heat.
Griffter D'nan wrote:That's why i put one condition - (if pilots have equal SP skills of course). Can you understand what you read? Yes, we discuss MLT tank nerf, so we compare them with caeteris paribus in mind (check on wikipedia what that means

). And this stats above just support my opinion. Thx.
I got a better idea, instead of sitting around learning **** that no on cares about so you can throw it in their faces because no one's ever heard of it why don't you spend your parents hard earned money on some critical thinking classes. You'r "condition" is the DUST equivalent of zero on the Kelvin Scale, Santa Claus, Carly Rae Jepson's 2nd top 10 hit, or a CSI script that challenges the viewer; it doesn't exist in this reality.
From an infantry standpoint there's been too much time and too many options for players that have been playing since the beta or just after LOLrelease. And the other thing here is that you
completely missed the entire reason I wrote it, which was to explain the difference that we see in infantry and if tanking so to follow the same lines then there HAS to be the same built in imbalance. Proto players with 20 mill SP and 250K fits shouldn't have to fear being taken down by militia gear users and neither should tankers. That was the entire point of that, to show you that militia infantry users have little chance against Proto suits, MLT tanks shouldn't be able to win a straight knock down against a STD tank with a 12-16 mill SP sink (this is of course assuming that tanker weapon proficiency is brought back). As the skill tree stands now, it's too much a sink for a secondary role, or it's not enough of an advantage for tankers that have sunk the SP.
Griffter D'nan wrote:
Yes, I know that you just can't read. Second you was alone without sq support lol. If you don't know that already... squaddies can support you using own rifle or use needle, and repair tool. It's all about teamwork. And Im noobie, bro, you are so funny.
You do realize that the majority of FPS players DO NOT squad up. They DON'T have mics, and couldn't spell tactics if you gave them "actics" as a clue. So I'd love to know where this "perfect" team of yours is because it sure as hell isn't on my side of the MCC. And for the record myself and three clanmates where in that match, they chose to run milita gear because it was FW. Which was again...NOT MY POINT. My point is that there are newer players...even a couple of months old that have sunk SP into the wrong places, whatever the reason, and have maxed out as far as they can with 10-6 mill that are simply fodder for proto stompers. If it that way for infantry (and if I haven't painstakingly made that abundantly clear so that even a bottom feeder like yourself
has to understand it then there's little hope for mankind at this point) then so it should be for
everything else.Griffter D'nan wrote:
Yes, and I love that veh rebalance changed it.
With that statement, you created a singularity of stupidity so strong, you bent light.
And with that, I am
done with you. While I'd love to come back and repeatedly point out all your fallacies and just plain moronic statements, I actually have stuff to do. For a minute I thought you were just a really ineffective troll, but based on your misplaced confidence in your laughable and ineffective posts lead me to conclude something even worse...that you actually believe the garbage you post.
You are one of the things I despise most...the psuedo-intellectual. You may come off as intelligent, and you may have convinced yourself that you are, but in reality, all you are is an ineffective, non linear, freaking
bore. So goodbye and good luck.
Hugs and kisses,
PS. Call your mother and apologize for being the huge disappointment that you are.