Posted - 2014.01.04 14:18:00 -
[1] - Quote
For a little over a year now, I've been traversing this massive expanse that is New Eden. Forsaking my original body, my neurological capabilities have successfully renained intact after making the choice: the choice to undergo a risky procedure to transform- from physical mortality to biotechnological immortality - with the hope of existing forever as immortal clone. Unlike when I was mortal, I no longer fear death. Thus, my knowledge of how best to provide logistical support across the battlefields of New Eden continues to grow.
Like many of you, I have observed certain behaviors, certain tendencies that other mercs exhibit. However, let me bring to your attention those fellow mercs, which in this case means teammates (more often than not the ones indicated in blue), who see a downed ally. Instead of helping to clear the area of hostiles, he or she bolts from cover toward the downed ally, nanite injector on one hand. At this point, one of two things happen. Either the rogue merc gets mowed down before they reach their comrade, or they manage to revive the merc, but what had a moment ago been a salvageable situation has ended with two clones dead.
At this point those of you who use mics might hear cursing and expletives from the player who was downed, angry about being revived in the first place. It's not as if everyone wears a headset and uses a mic; What's to stop the inevitable "unwanted revivals" of the future, particularly those committed by people who aren't using a mic and/or mute/refuse to enable output of their teammates' strategic planning chatter (because for whatever reason the "Voice Chat" option under gameplay settings wasn't set to ON)?
Well, I have a suggestion for alleviating "unwanted revivals". First of all, I didn't imagine this myself; I recently got a PS4, along with some games,. Among them were Killzone: Shadow Fall and Battlefield 4 (from which whose multiplayers this suggestion draws from). Anyway, instead of a player being instantly revived after being injected by a nanite injector, maybe the downed player receiving the injection could be asked if they'd like to "Accept" the revive (thus getting back up), or they could "Deny" the injection (ib which case they would just die and be brought to the outfitting/spawn location screen).
Just a thought. |