This brought a tear to my eye.
Might I add, a few systems over...
Pvt Numnutz was sitting in his assault dropship in the MCC waiting for the shock trooper teams to fill up the dropships of Raptor wing. Raptor wing consists of 3 assault dropships and two fighters for escort. The situation described by the wing leader was pretty grim, sansh has staged an incursion in the region and the alliance called all mercs, pilots, and ships to the region they could. The planet raptor wings war barge was assigned is a key manufacturing planet for POS/capital ship fuel, since the alliance is at war they need the supply lines clear back at home.
In the cockpit of his python Numnutz checked his dropships systems, modules green, chaff full and armed, jump lights working, the view monitors lining the inside of the cockpit gives him a nice view of the launch tube inside the MCC. Afterwards Numnutz tuned into the Valkyrie comm's to see how the air/space battle was fairing. A carrier battle group jumped in system prior to the war barges arrival, being a key planet for their fuel the carriers wanted this system liberated as soon as possible and launched wings of Valkyrie pilots down to the planet to try and gain air superiority. The chatter was pretty hectic, sanshs pilots are insane, they cared little about themselves and would sometimes attempt to ram their fighters into the nearest aerial vehicle when they are going down. Heavy dropships could shrug off most of the damage, but fighters, gunships and dropships would be lucky to survive the encounter.
The shock troopers arrived at the launch tubes after being breifed by the MCC Commander leading the districts forces. Shortly after boarding their craft the wing leader came on comm's.
"Alright Raptor Wing we're taking these shock troops to the base of the space elevator about two clicks out from the city. Sansha still have a lot of air support up so keep an eye out, Valkyrie's are giving them hell so you should have a path to the DZ, good luck"
A timer of 30 seconds came up on the forward screen with "LAUNCH" in red letters next to it. MCC 5 drifted into position above the battlefield, smoke still bellowing of the shields from entering the atmosphere. 10 seconds, Numnutz got ready to hit the afterburner, the sound of dropship and fighter engines filled the launch bay. 3....2....1.... The bay doors slid open and Numnutz hit the afterburner shooting full thrust out of the MCC and into the hellish warzone that was the incursion.
Swarms of fighters battled it out in the skies, sansha personnel transports could be seen in the distance pulling swarms of workers the capsuleers hiered to work into the ships. Poor souls, some may be lucky and get a squad of mercs to kill the harvester squads before they too were pulled up. Though mercs are mostly paid to protect the facilities, not the personel.
The escort fighters broke off engaging any sansha fighters that got too close to the dropships. On the ground an armor column charged forward into the city battling a line of shansha tanks for some MAVs and LAVs to get infantry into the city.
The long tether cables of the space elevator stretched far up over the battle field and up into orbit. A key facility for PI as the fuel made on the planet can easily be transported to the space haulers. 500m from DZ red light is on dropping bay doors, a sansha fighter screams in on fire going for the suicide, Numnutz barley manages to dodge it and the valkyrie fighter chasing it down, 200m green light shock troops jump assault dropships stick around to give some air support for the shock team as they secure the entrance to the facility.
"Raptor squad this is command, we have a team pinned down in an outpost north of your location, get them out of there, fleetcom is going to orbital everything north of the city. You have 3 minutes. Command out."
"Copy command. Alright Raptors form up on me we're going low and fast over to that outpost, fighters what's your status?"
I think you get the idea

the level of connectivity with eve is really what sells this. I think I'm going to buy Templar one tomorrow haha.