Dovallis Martan JenusKoll
Osmon Surveillance Caldari State
Posted - 2013.12.04 10:11:00 -
[1] - Quote
Due to a horde of people making up points about what they believe will cause kicks with the Friendly Fire mechanic, I'm leaving this here.
TL DR -- read the bold
CCP FoxFour wrote: This is probably one of the biggest changes that will differentiate factional contract matches from public contract matches. There is not much to discuss about the exact design of friendly fire, other than that it will be enabled. The bigger issue was preventing players from entering these matches with the intent of excessively team killing. We don't want to remove griefing entirely, as a little bit here and there can be a healthy thing, but there does need to be a penalty. We have added two ways for players to be removed from a Factional Contract match: both with the same penalty.
The first way a player can be removed from a Factional Contract match is by being punished for excessive team killing. When you team kill a player, that player will have the option on their kill screen to punish the person who killed them. If you get punished enough in a single match you will be kicked from the battle.
The other way a player can be removed from a Factional Contract match due to friendly fire is by simply dealing substantial damage to teammates or their vehicles. When you damage a friendly in Factional Contracts, the amount of damage you are cause will be tracked. You will get 4 warnings, but upon dealing enough damage you will be removed from the match. Damage done to teammates that forgive you is still counted, so watch your fire!
Now that weGÇÖve covered what will cause you to be kicked from a match, weGÇÖll look in to the repercussions of being kicked. Not that any of you would go around purposely doing anything to get kicked. Nope, not ever in this game. When you are kicked from a Factional Contract match two things will happen. First, you will be unable to join another Factional Contract until after the next downtime. The second consequence is that you will lose standings towards the faction you were fighting for. Since standings directly modify your Loyalty Point payout, this could severely hamper your ability to earn LP.
Edit: Seems I highlighted a typeo as well. "Damage you are cause" heh
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