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Algintal Core Gallente Federation
Posted - 2013.12.02 06:45:00 -
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I rarely post, but wanted to spend a few minutes passing along a thumbs-up to CCP. IGÇÖm glad to see the forums settling down a bit from the trash that has been the last few weeks, and with that, heGÇÖs my $.02 wandering down memory lane...
I just booted up the PS3 and figured IGÇÖve have a match or two before doing some work here at the house. IGÇÖll admit, my intent was passive and my mind was elsewhere in thought, but once the CCP logo chimed in I was immediately taken back to my first login. I canGÇÖt remember how I found out about Dust514, but I do remember putting my email on a list for CB access. When that email finally arrived, IGÇÖll be honest, I felt like the kid in a Christmas Story getting his Little Orphan Annie Decoder Ring. The initial download took damn near forever, but once installed and booted up, and I heard that CCP logo chime for the first time and I was in awe----mostly I think due to the jacked-up volume. OMG that thing was loud. Even today, I rush in a panic to drop my volume through force of habit to not lose any more hearing that my first run caused. My poor dog still hides when she hears the DS3 remote chirping to power up the station. Well, to be fair that might be more due to my cursing and screaming at the TV during most games, but thatGÇÖs beside the point. It was a wonderful identity presentation, and I loved the Dust514 title sequence.
My first match was something most would call pathetic. Current matches would probably fit nicely under the same description for me too, but thatGÇÖs OK. IGÇÖve come to terms with that and I take it day by day. I had zero context of the game map, and had no idea what these shapes were with blinking rings around them. Everything had rings. Which ring meant what? Was one more important than another? Why are they designated with rings? What are those letters for? OMG why is the text so damn small?! Moving the controller SEEMED to suggest perspective looking down over a few spires or structures, but really, I had no idea. Once on the ground I had even less context as to wtf was going on. I heard the watered-down tinking of what I assume now to have been AR fire and some voice droning on about objectives being hacked. WhatGÇÖs an objective?? Why are you telling me this? Holy f*** IGÇÖm dead? Rinse, and repeat.
My first encounter with a dropship was interesting. Someone had called it in and abandoned it. I imagine they had as much of a clue as I did and had no patience or knowledge to wait for the delivery. Either way, it was there waiting for me to claim, and so I did. I never got it off the ground. No, I had the controls right, I remember, because I had plenty of time to access my menu and confirm which button did what. Unfortunately there was a DS bug that sometimes anchored them to the ground, rendering them randomly unusable for a build or three. After a while, I discovered how to call them down for myself and tried my damnedest to learn to maneuver one only to crash and burn on a regular basis. That was annoying, so turned to the gun game.
Things were slow. Very slow. Turning took an ice age, so it was a good thing it took as long for my health to drop, giving me time to at least see my attacker before the fadeout splash GÇ£waaaaaahGÇ¥ music. Leading scouts was hell, not that I had a clue what a scout was other than this freaky fast blinking suit popping in and out all around me as my health dropped. At least I discovered what an objective was and eventually, that I was supposed to hack itGǪ. and where the terminals were to do so. About the time I got fairly confident with claiming my objectives, CCP decided for some ungodly reason to convert a few random Es into an ice rink. DonGÇÖt get me wrong, I love the game Portal, and while thereGÇÖs not too many of them here in southern Alabama (where?), I do enjoy the occasional ice rink. I just didnGÇÖt see the need to bring those two worlds together within Dust, all jumping back and forth sliding uncontrollably from one edge of the objective to the other completely unable to grab onto the interface screen. I wonder how many reds watched on in pity while I pinged back and forth like a drunk ballerina on meth (meth is a very popular drug down here, and I like to tie in local references from time to time so if I randomly note peanuts, boll weevils, or redbugs, just please accept that Dust is a multi-cultural experience full of exotic and interesting points of reference). So, yes. Thank you for not killing me if you saw me under the influence of CCPGÇÖs rubber banding lag feature. Besides, I never captured those objectives, so I think it was a fair trade.
I believe one of my first weapons of choice was the Swarm Launcher---I mean, with a name like that, itGÇÖs got to be badass. I remember logging in thinking I would rule the map firing at militia reds like I had a clue, only to be taken out before I could get a second round off. Then one day they got GÇ£smartGÇ¥ and I had to hold the trigger to lock on. For clarification, I mean that the Swarm Launchers got smart. Not the reds. IGÇÖd never be caught dead holding their triggers. o.O
Must be another glitchGǪ. new weapon!
===continued==== |

Lynn Beck
Granite Mercenary Division Top Men.
Posted - 2013.12.02 07:21:00 -
[6] - Quote
I remember loading up only to die to mass drivers, believing they were explosive sniper rifles. That and realizing that they weren't some BS 'members only' weapon.
I remember asking around in local for quite a while, "where do you go to purchase Orbitals?"
I remember believing that shield extenders had a stacking penalty of 50% after the first. I remember believing that things were movable Via LAV/HAV.(i'm talking those containers)
At least now my FPS prowess kicked in and i can muder most people. CCP please keep it up, i'm astonished with what you have done thus far.
LAV murder man:
"I can kill with rails, therefore they're OP."