Artificer Ghost
Bojo's School of the Trades
Posted - 2013.10.05 05:30:00 -
[1] - Quote
Alright, first off, I'd like to say that I'm an idiot. Like, super idiot. And sometimes, idiots to idiot things. Kind of like teenagers, except I kill people for money.
Now, because I'm an idiot (And pro at this game), I wanted to see what it would be like to JUST use my skill as a player. But how do I do this? Well, it's obvious. I turn off my HUD. This will help me improve things like aim, judgement of safety, ability to use sufficient cover, or to be more ammo conserving, because I can't actually monitor my health, or see my crossheir, or look at my ammo, map, you know. The what stuff for the HUD.
So I go, and I turn my HUD Transparency up to 100, and I step into a match. I can still see my HUD clearly. This actually disappointed me more than it should have, as I honestly wanted to see how much actual skill I had in terms of aim and judgement, without all the crossheirs and chevrons helping me. So here's my proposition-
-Add the option to turn HUD completely off. -Add option to make it so that, even if the HUD is off, player chevrons still come up (Wouldn't want to shoot at friendlies, or NOT shoot at enemies).
This would allow players to actually test their skill, rather than hip-fire someone to death with an Assault Rifle. A list of some of the things turning of HUD would do....
-Improve Aim. Not being able to see the crossheirs will make you adapt to where you should be shooting, also making hip-fire more difficult, teaching you to use the ADS. -Use Cover. Not being able to see your health will make you more cautious of when/if you will die, teaching you to maximize survivability by using sufficient cover. -Learn The Maps. Not being able to see where Delta is will make you memorize each map's key landmarks and locations, giving you a better idea of where to use cover, run away, lose someone in a chase, etc. -Be More Observant. Not being able to scan Uplinks, other players, or vehicles on your minimap will teach you to start being more observant of where Uplinks or players are hiding.
So yup. That's my idea. If you don't like it, I would at least still vote for it. Because some people will like it (People that want to test their skill, perhaps...), and it's not going to be default on, so why not?
And now to number 2, this is going to be a really simple change again, that makes a big difference. A list on the side of your screen, that has all squad members listed, their overall shield/armor, and the amount of WP accumulated. At the bottom of the list is the overall amount of WP obtained, and the number of OBs unused. It'd help with support characters, being able to see who need healz, and it'd prevent the missing of an OB, like so many people who don't see the notification.
And number 3, another HUD change: I just want chat notifications in-game. You know the flashy thingy when you get a mail? I want that, but with chat instead. I take a second to check my cha- BOOM HEADSHOT WITH A SHOTGUN OH NO WHAT HAPPENED!?
True story. Anyways, give it a like if you support this thread, and leave a comment if you love me. Or leave a comment if you REALLY support this thread. Whichever one works for you. |

Artificer Ghost
Bojo's School of the Trades
Posted - 2013.10.09 03:32:00 -
[4] - Quote
I see your points. Note that I was incredibly tired, and when I meant teach you to use ADS, I meant over longer ranges.
You are also right about the health thing, but like I said, it could make you overly-cautious, which is never really a bad thing. If anything, it adds more challenge, which some people like. However, as you said, it does allow you to make more tactical decisions and stuff. :)
And the scanning/minimap thing, correct again (You're very smart... You may be useful in my... "Plans").
Looking at what you said, maybe make it so we can turn off different pieces of the HUD, OR turn it off completely? That'd probably be better. Probably harder to implement, but customization never hurts. |